Chapter 1

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Wynnonas POV-

All I could do was panic. I had just slept with Nicole. My sisters girlfriend. And I have a boyfriend. And I slept with Nicole. I rubbed my head and memories started to flood back. The guilt hit me at the core. The thing is what made me most guilty is the fact that it felt good. Really really fucking good. Better than anything I've ever had before. I looked over at the sleeping cop, she's so beautiful when she's asleep. The messy hair and the soft breaths that leave her lips. It's something I could wake up to every morning. No! I had to get that out of my head. What the hell was wrong with me. I had screwed up bad this time.

"Babe.. Lay back down" the soft raspy voice of Nicole mumbled into a pillow and she turned over her eyes still shut and her arm sliding around me. I couldn't speak. I just lay back down and didn't say anything. Her hand explored my bare stomach and her fingers traced over. "mm you feel softer, it's ncie" she mumbled and snuggled into my side. She pressed a couple of kisses to my neck then I heard a small yawn escape her lips.
"God I can hardly remember last night.. I just remember me and wynonna and then.." she suddenly shot up and her eyes fell on me. She jumped so much she went off the edge of the bed, still half entangled in the covers. This would not end up well.
"Oh my god..I slept with you..I actually slept with you" I could see the panic in her eyes and could practically read her thoughts as they passed through her mind.

"I think we did..sleep together" I spoke quietly trying to keep my body covered the best I can.

"It's real..not a dream this time. Jesus I-"

"Wait what do you mean it isn't a dream this time?" I questioned her with narrowed eyes but she was already rambling on again. Nicole was a sweet loyal girl, this was all my fault. Nicole was now crawling around and grabbed her clothing quickly trying to dress herself.

"Nicole!" We both froze in the spot. Waverly. Nicole quickly adjusted herself and then went to my side and grabbed my hand dragging me to her closet then pushed me inside
"Don't try to force me back into the closet," I grumbled but Nicole shushed me and closed the door in my face. I heard some more footsteps rushing around the room that would've been Nicole trying to sort it out and make it look less like...that. I can't believe I actually did this. I betrayed my sister, Doc and in a Way Nicole I guess. But what did she mean about the dream thing, was it a joke? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door to the room open.

"Baby there you are" Waverlys voice bounced off the walls of the room.

"Sorry I just woke up" Nicole chuckled and I heard a kiss exchanged between them.

"My tired baby, hey have you seen Wynonna , got some new leads on some revenants" oh Waverly..

" sorry not since last night. I took her to the homestead" Nicole almost smoothly lied.

"But I came from the homestead, she wasn't there"

Oh shit.

"Well maybe she went to Doc's" I could hear the hint of worry in her voice.

"Doc hasn't seen her either...oh god have you lost my sister..I need to ring her right now" shit I gotta put that on silence. I went to go for my pockets, nothing was there. Ah yes I was in underwear. Meaning my phone was..out in Nicole's room. Nicole must have had same thought as she quickly intruded.

"No!look I'm sure she's fine just...why don't we go for breakfast yeah?" Nicole was trying her best to keep the situation controlled.

"yeah sure let's go" the chirpy voice of my sister chuckled and after some rustling I heard them leave the room then finally leave the house. I came out the closet (Lel) and stood in the room for awhile just trying to process what had happened. I went over to the side of the bed and traced my fingers over the pillow where Nicole had laid. She was beautiful in the morning. I tidied up her bed then went to the en-suite . I got in her shower and started to clean myself off and scrub away the reminders of the night before. More and more memories started to return to me, cause the thing was. I don't think I was completely out of it. Something in my head got me to do it.

I had a new problem, I did not know where Nicole hid my clothes. So went the search of scavenging around for my things. Eventually I gathered the pieces and slipped them all on. Me and Nicole would have to talk about this, but what would we-

"Fuck" I gasped as I ran to the bathroom and dropped by the toilet. I felt it rise up my throat and slip between my parted lips. I threw up. A lot. And it wasn't the only time. I went on for another 10 minutes. Finally as the last lot erupted up I weakly flushes the toilet and slipped to the floor. That was a shit show. I threw up so much I could've thought I was- oh no. No that's not possible. How could this happen. Can this even happen. Her words rang in my head.

Whoever is the next person you have sex with, you will...

Oh god. I'm pregnant with Nicole's baby.

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