Last Encounter

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December 21 there's nothing heard.

December 22 still no phone call.

Two more days pass.

December 25 at 9:14a.m. his body is cold, heart with no beat, empty eyes, limbs dangling oddly along his bed. That's how his parents find him and the bloody blade that's settled lazily in his relaxed, inert hand. 

This is what happens when people can't face their demons. They give in.

The reminiscence of his smile will pain me, yes, but his inability to hold onto hope gives me the strength to start eating right, and find the light in Jesus.

And the love.

I spend my last year of high school sharing who Jesus is with those around me. 

Meeting the boy wasn't such a terrible thing.

Not a Terrible Thing By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now