Oranda Pisces

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I was bored today, so I spent a good two hours trying to create my own Miraculous superhero.

The animal I picked, was an oranda goldfish. I love these fish. They have a big bubble on their head that kinda looks half like a hat and half like a brain. 

I used to have an oranda goldfish. They have the prettiest tails.

But I decided to name my superhero Clifton Vale, at least outside of the suit. But, meet the beginnings of Oranda Pisces.

I had my mom help with the name cus I was so stuck

My thought process is an absolute mess.

My thought process is an absolute mess

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This was difficult. Her miraculous is a headband, which is orange with a white stripe when she is not transformed, and then solid orange when she is. It blinks down to white as she runs out of time. I decided her mask would be a little different (as I could not fit it on her face with her headband) and it would be like mesh coming down over her eyes. It would be scalloped like scales and a blue colour for the water, as she is a fish. Her hair would be in a bun when a civllian and down when she's transformed. I had a hard time trying to come up with a way to bring the tail in so if you have any ideas I'm all ears.

Then, her weapon would be fans. They'd be blue, so she's not all orange, and whether solid blue or not I'm not too sure yet. They're used like the Kyoshi warriors use theirs from Avatar the Last Airbender. I think her power would be something to do with bubbles. I just can't figure it out yet. 

Most of her suit would be scaled and white, with blue and orange accents here and there. I don't really have a backstory yet but maybe one day!

ps if anyone who can draw wants to hit me up and give me a hand that would be great ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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