Not My Words: part 3

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Anti let out a blood curdling yell, clutching his shoulder as he stumbled forward. He took his hand away, his own blood covered in it as he shoulder stung. His eyes casted to his shoulder, seeing a bullet wound on his skin, blood oozing out of it. He growled turning to the door way, seeing Eric holding Wilford’s revolver, aiming it at Anti.

Eric, glared at the glitch, cocking the hammer back on the gun, hearing a soft click. He slowly walked forward. “L-leave him a-alone.” He stuttered.

“You little shit.” He growled walking closer, but stoped when Eric held the gun up, aiming at his head.

“Leave now o-or this one g-goes through your head.”

Anti grinned, scanning him up and down. “You don’t got the guts to-.”

“Try me.” Eric growled, putting his finger on the trigger. “Now drop the knife.”

Dark watched as Anti’s smile wavered, as he backed up slowly. He was able to sense slight fear growing insied of Anti but he hid it growling darkly, throwing the knife across the room.

“Now g-get out o-of here and s-stay away from m-my father.” Eric demanded, taking a step closer.

Anti grinned darkly, a Giggle escaping his lips. “That.” He began, pointing at the lifeless Derek. “Is not your father anymore boy. He’s long gone. All he is now is my puppet.”

Eric held back his tears, keeping the gun aimed at him. “J-just g-get out now!”

“If that’s what you want.” Anti grinned, backing away, watching as Dark slowly got up. “Good luck getting him to eat, speak, or even remember you.”

Eric felt some tears fall from his eyes but he stayed strong, walking closer to Dark, keeping him close, seeing Wilford and Randal stay by his side.

“See ya around, Eric.” He giggled, vanishing into a cloud of pixels.

Eric was quiet for a moment, before turning to Wilford, uncocking the hammer of the gun, before handing it back to him. “H-here.” He whispered, looking down.

“That was a nice shot son.” Wilford smiled, putting the gun up.

“Why did you come back?” Dark asked, placing a hand on Eric’s shoulder.

“I-it was Randal.” Answered quietly, staring at the ground. “He knew something was up. That he wouldn’t do or say something that harsh. I sh-should of known it was A-Anti.” He stared at the ground in regret, before closing his eyes.

“It’s okay son, you didn’t know.” Dark whispered rubbing his back.

“Uh guys.”

All three of the egos jumped turning to Randal who was standing in front of Derek, looking into his eyes in worry. Randal snapped his fingers in front of his face, but he didn’t move.

Eric slowly walked toward his father, taking Randal’s place, standing in front of him. He looked up at his father, but his father didn’t stare at him. He just stared ahead, with static eyes. Eric placed his hands on his shoulder, waiting for a reaction. “D-dad?”

Derek didn’t answer. He just continued to stare ahead.

Eric’s heart rate started to rise as he shook his shoulder lightly. “D-dad… dad l-look at me.” He watched as his father’s eyes, slowly stared down at him, his expression blank. “D-do.. do you know me?”

“Puppets don’t know anything.” Derek whispered, causing the others worry to build.

“But-but y-your not a puppet. Your name is Derek.” Eric whispered, starting to shake his head. “You-you don’t remember me?!”

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