The Sound

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Scribble scribble

Rip rip

The sound of creativity

Taking off in many directions

As indecisive as emotions

Zoom zoom

Zip zip

The sound of thoughts racing

Over a thousand miles an hour

Not even stopping to smell the flowers

Boom boom

Screech screech

The sound of the mechanics

In the brain starting to slow

The thoughts don't know where to go

Giggle giggle

Squeal squeal

The sound of love

Overcoming a young heart

Lovely girl shot by Cupid's dart

Sniffle sniffle

Drip drip

The sound of sadness

As her mind thinks hope is lost

Wanting it to end, no matter the cost

Stomp stomp

Slam slam

The sound of rage clouding judgement

It's not her fault, it isn't fair

They don't believe her, they don't care

The sounds in the mind vary

But they all exist in harmony 

Number three in one night.....what the frakkkk?

Prompt #3 

You're running through the desert. Sand in your eyes. What do you do? How do you survive? 

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