Do your parents like them and why

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Henry: They like Henry however they are a little worried that he is going to hurt you but they trust him a lot. They hate his dad however and how his dad treats his kids. 

Patrick: Your parents don't like Patrick because he's a bit of a psychopath and they are really worried that he'll hurt you or turn you into something you aren't. You keep trying to reassure them that he would never hurt you but they just don't trust him.

Victor: Yes but a little bit no. Yes because he is very polite and caring, he always helps you or your parents, and he is very respectful about the rules. The only thing they don't like about him is the fact that he's friends with Patrick and Henry but they find a way to always look past it.

Belch: They LOVE Belch. He's respectful, polite, always picks you up and drops you off on time even earlier sometimes (which your dad loves), he never complains about all of the photos your mom likes to take, and he never complains when your dad wants to question him as if he's committed a crime. They can tell he loves you a lot. 

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