I Remember

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   Piper woke up gasping for air. If what she saw in her dream was true... She grabbed for her knife. No images showed.

   "GOD DAM IT!" She yelled, throwing her knife against the wall. It clattered to the ground.

    She put her head in between her knees and began to sob. The knife began to light up with an image.

    Piper picked up the knife. The image startled her. It was completely dark, a color you wouldn't think would exist, like a black hole. Like something you would see in a dream.

     Thinking of this, she tried to remember her dream. But it was already gone. How could she have forgetten it?

     There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in" she said in a soft, croaky voice.

    Mr. McLean opened the door.

    "Dad?" she asked.

    "What's wrong pipes?"

    She wrapped her arms around him.

     "Everything, dad. Stuff you wouldn't understand. I wish I could yell you, but I cant."

      Her fathers worried expression grew. "I'm your father, you can tell me anything."

       "Its just... my boyfriend. H-hes gone. So are all my friends. Had dreams. I keep getting strange dreams."

       "Honey, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

        "I didn't think you'd understand."

       He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, before whispering in her ear, "I remember. The gods. The monsters. I remember grandpas Cherokee stories and how they were true."

sorry i haven't been active guys. school sucks and so does life. idk i guess I haven't had any inspiration.
          ignore da spellin and da gramma
                                              your favorite cat

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