Falling in Love

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Falling in love 

Falling in love is like a double edge sword.

Sometimes it can bring you joy,

but sometimes it can hurt you badly.

It gives you a wonderful smile,

on the other hand it can give a pouting lips.

It can caress you with its soft sweet words,

but can stab your heart with its dagger-like lies.

It brings joy to life,

yet it can drag you down to doom in the darkness.

But with all this contradictions,

many people are still falling.

Are they fools?

Or are they people with a sound mind?

The consequences are still there.

No matter what path they take,

its like a lion that is in any minute ready to devour.

One wrong move and you will be hurt.

Take a caution and be warned

because once you fall: there is no turning back.

You will just be waiting to be left behind.

Nevertheless falling in love is just a glorious thing to be experienced.

A feeling that could make your journey to life worth while.

An experience of a life time.

Never be afraid of its double blades.

Every feeling you encounter makes you a better person.

A person who at first may be viewed as unworthy to be loved

but as time goes on and by God’s loving hands

you can be priceless.

Just make sure that the one your falling for is falling for you too.

Because falling with someone gives you

strength, assurance and a reason to move on.


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