Chapter 1/ Prologue

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It's so dark...Why?

It was just so bright, why all of a sudden so dark?'s not all just black anymore, but

I hear faded voices in the back of my pounding head. Why so much screaming? What's happening? More importantly, what happened?

Wait...I think I see some light..the sun maybe? It's getting brighter...just a bit closer now....

It's now a full picture. I see the sun in the sky..ashes floating around it like the snow in December as a blizzard is dying down and it's just the wind carrying the snowflakes that are staggering behind the storm.

I hear gunshots around me and I feel like I'm burning in my chest. My body feels like weights..why is it so heavy? Is something pushing down on me?

There's so many questions that I need answered...but I can't seem to find any hope in finding the answers.

*BOMB* *Fheew* *BOMB*

Then it hit me...I'm in the middle of war....

My eyelids are getting heavier as I feel tiredness take over me..but before I could close my eyes fully..I could hear her voice..I saw a glimpse of bright blue eyes and small brunette strays of hair peaking out from under a helmet..

But it was too late to see or hear anything else..darkness covered me as I drifted into a tired state..that I may never awake from....

"Rylan don't you dare die on me! You promised you'd stay with me! You've never gone back on a promise and I won't let you go back on this one! Please stay with me Rylan! Please don't close your eyes and don't leave me ever again! Rylan...RYLAN!!!"


A sigh left my lips as it awoke to my damn annoying alarm clock at 6 a.m.

"Why is the world so cruel!" I over dramatically yelled aloud, threw the covers off of me, and swung my legs over the side of my small, cramped dorm bed. I yawned and scratched the back of my head, then darted my eyes over to my roommates bed. I reached across my bed and grabbed a small throw pillow we kept in the room and chucked it at him.

"Right in the head!"

I stood up and threw my arms in the air with a grin as I watched him groan and glare at me.


He flatly said in return and I just laughed a bit in return.

"Hey, you asked me to wake you up this morning, my job is now done."

I did a small bow before walking over to the overly small bathroom that dorm mates had to share. I let out a tired sigh and closed the door.

After I finished all my bathroom duties of peeing, taking a quick shower, brushing my hair, putting on deodorant, and brushing my teeth, I walked out and watched as my roommate hurried in next.

I walked over to my dresser while rubbing my wet dark brown hair with the towel and opened up the top drawer. I pulled out a black T-shirt and pushed the drawer back, then opened the second drawer and pulled a pair of jeans out. I already had a pair of boxers on so I just slipped my jeans on and threw the T-shirt over my head and slipped it on.

I took a comb off the top of my dresser and quickly brushed my hair out, leaving it in its natural style state of messy and slightly flipped in the front. I slipped on a low pair of socks then grabbed my grey converse, slipping them on.

"Hey Trevor I'll meet you at the Café. I'll order your usually and wait in the booth."

I yelled into the bathroom at my dorm mate and reached over to grab my wallet, keys, and hat. I shoved my wallet and keys into my right pocket then placed my hat on my head, making sure to tilt it up and barely to the side like I usually would.

I made my way over to the door and grabbed my school bag on the way out. I made my way down the stairs and out the front of the doors, having the bright sunrise shine at me.

And here goes another day...

I smiled as I walked down the sidewalk of the campus and stopped as I reached the crosswalk corner, waiting for it to give the signal for me to walk.

This is my daily routine. The same routine I do every Tuesday since I've been attending this collage.

Let me tell you a bit about me. I'm Rylan, your ordinary attending collage kid. I have casual messy dark brown hair and green eyes. I'm a height of 6'0" even and I'm 21 years old in my third, and last, year of collage. I'll be leaving with a degree and hopes to become a doctor one day.

The truth is that I only got this degree as a back up. After I graduate this year, I'm going into the military. I'm following in the footsteps of my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. I've always looked up to them and wanted to be just like them ever since they'd started telling story's about being in war and how great the satisfaction feels when you know you're fighting for your country.

I've already confirmed the decision with my parents and they told me how proud they were of me and that they knew I'd do great while protecting my country.

I smiled at my thoughts as I was walking and suddenly realized that I had made it to the Café. I pushed open the sturdy glass front doors and walked into the warm, coffee scented Café.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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