12 - Empty Eyes

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Empty Eyes:

I couldn't feel my fingers.


The knuckles were turning white from gripping the bar counter. I think they'd been numb for a while now.

I think something is wrong with me. I can't come to a bar and meet with an old ex of mine. That's, like, the first thing on the No-No list. It's the thing your best friend would tell you is stupid and make you stop. They'd hog tie you or chain you up in their basement-because that's what good friends would do, to save you the embarrassment of showing up and then realizing that your ex was made an ex for a reason and that they were never going to show up.

I sighed and spun back around on the barstool.

"I think I'll take that beer now."

The bartender eyed me. "Gotta have ID, missy."

"A root beer," I replied. Like I don't know my own age, thank you. The music was a little too slow for my taste-plus it was some rock n roll ballad that I vaguely remembered hearing on the Oldies station the day before. Nothing wrong with it. It just annoyed me when I couldn't remember lyrics. It was a weird little quirk about me...

"Heather?" A deep voice asked. I froze, not wanting to turn around for fear of who I knew it would be. Don't be silly, he called you and you agreed. Of course you know who it is.

"Here's your 'beer'." The bartender glanced at me and gave a wink. I grinned and thanked him before taking the bottle in my hands and turning slowly, using only my feet to whirl the seat into motion. I took a sip and studied the man standing before me. He wore a white tuxedo and I eyed it warily. My ex wasn't known for being discrete; he was known for his parties and friends.

He looked exactly like I had remembered. Sure, that was only two years ago, but still, two years.

"Hello, Spencer. How are you?" I said calmly. Yes, I cheered myself on, My little five hours of rehearsing that one greeting over and over in my head since he had emailed me went just as planned. Now for the rest of this conversation...

"I'm surprised that you came." He looked away. "I figured you would stand me up."

I answered with a casual shrug even though my insides were playing bowling with the damn butterflies. "Well, you said it was urgent."

"I should be getting married today, but I had to see you first."

"Me? Wait...married?" I stared. Okay, marriage was still at the far reaches of my mind. I was still nineteen for goodness sake! I had school, work...life to think about. I turned to the bartender, plopped down several bills and said, "I'll be back when I'm twenty-one for a real one." He laughed and gave me a little salute before I grabbed my purse and stood.

"Where are you going?" Spencer asked, following me as I stormed out into the back alleyway of the pub.

"Tell me the truth, Spencer," I demanded. "Did you get a girl pregnant and need out? Did you do a drunk proposal? Why did you come to me? I know my dad's a lawyer, but he won't help my ex, especially if you don't have any money. Because seriously, Spence, you-."

"Heather," Spencer sighed, closing his eyes. I stopped and glared at him. I was tempted to chuck my soda bottle at his thick-head of curly blonde hair. His blue eyes opened and stared at me.

"What?" I snapped, "I have class in-."

"I knew something like this might happen. My brother told me it would be tricky messing with memories, but I didn't believe him. You didn't either."

"John? What does this have to-?" I started.

"You have to remember! You were testing your powers and your mind's strength and then how well you could read minds and alter thoughts-."

"Powers? Are you high? I don't have powers? That sort of thing is in freaking fairy tales and fiction crap!" I blurted, freaking out. "I don't have powers." My mind blanked and I couldn't think. What's happening?

"You were testing your own memories and you must have altered something when I wasn't there. Maybe at home, but I know-."

"No. That's not possible," I said after a pause. "Are you jerking my leg? That's not funny, Spence-."

"Heather," he said. He looked pained as if there were a knife sticking in his side. I looked down, just to make sure. Nope. No knife.

"You were supposed to marry me today, but you disappeared."

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