~ Chapter Six ~

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"Acaster, Frederic"

One by one, the new students were called to the front to put on the hat and hear their house.


The hall erupted into applause as the first student was sorted.

"Black, Sirius"

Sirius walked up, both nervous and confident. He seemed to stay sat on the stool for a while, looking as if he was arguing with the hat. Eventually the hat called out his house, shocking a lot of people; student and staff.


Jyneari noticed his smile fade as he walked slowly over to the Gryffindor table, looking fearfully at the Slytherin table. The next person up was Lily, who was also sorted into Gryffindor. As she ran to sit down, Jyneari reached over and squeezed Severus' hand, noting his frown. Finnick was up and down within seconds, sorted, with no hesitation, into Hufflepuff.

Remus and Peter were both put into Gryffindor, followed by James.

Finally, it was Jyneari's turn. Walking up, Jyneari felt her entire body shaking with fear. The hat was placed on her head and she was startled by the voice speaking in her head.

Well, well, well. You are different, aren't you?  But where would you best fit in? After all, that is what you seek most of all; acceptance, in spite of your family name.

"Mr. Hat, should I not be in Slytherin? Like my family?" Jyneari asked.

Where one is sorted is not necessarily guaranteed by where one's family were sorted. I do not think you would benefit from being around those who reside in the Slytherin House. 

"Personally, Mr. Hat, I think I would because, at least my mother wouldn't try to disown me"

But maybe some good could come of that. You would be able to grow as your own person rather than following the pack and then decide for yourself if you stand with your family. But either way, I believe you are destined for a different path, Jyneari Serpaie and I refuse to sort you into Slytherin. After all you do not value Slytherin traits. You deem cunning and ambition unnecessary qualities. I see it all in your head.

"Well, I'm not sure, I've never seen being disowned as a good thing. Of course, my uncle Giuseppe has never seemed happier." Jyneari had no idea what else to say. She had never seen being disowned as a positive thing. "And I don't deem them unnecessary traits, I just find them to be fruitless in the absence of other traits. You cannot be cunning without wisdom and a thirst for knowledge. And you cannot be ambitious without the courage and hard work to achieve your ambitions."

Precisely my point, Miss Serpaie, you do not deem these qualities to be the most important as you see that they require other traits to push them forward, something many fail to realise. That is what makes some people difficult to Sort, as they recognise that all traits work in unity together. It is something that I, myself, noticed when observing the founders work together diligently to forge this school; their traits all worked in unison and complemented each other. This shows a wisdom beyond your years; Ravenclaw would suit you well. But you also have the kind heart and patient soul of a Hufflepuff, with the ability to fight for what you believe in, like the loyal badger. Furthermore, you are brave and courageous as you seek to change your families views on blood purity and that does indeed take bravery and strength of nature, along with the chivalrous trait to help those in need. My dear, you are one of the most difficult students to Sort that I have seen these many years. You should go where you will best learn and grow. And I think I might know exactly where that might be...

Severus watched the girl in the stool, knowing deep down that they were arguing over whether or not Slytherin was actually the best option for her.

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