a real day off

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I woke up to seeing sleeping beauty also called ela. I didn't want to wake her so I just get her arms from around me and take a shower. I head off for the gym to get my daily routine, 200 push ups, 150 sit ups, then some bench presses. Then off to the cafeteria. When I step in i see dokkaebi on her tablet.

Dokkaebi: hey ace

I just act like I didn't hear her

Dokkaebi: death boyyyy

I look at her then activate my camo, I get behind her than grabbed her tablet

Notepad: you always rely on tablets and phones to get stuff done, if I break it what happens

Dokkaebi: hey give that back

Notepad: your going to have to reach for it

With me being taller than her she couldn't reach it

Dokkaebi: please

Notepad: first tell me what you want

Dokkaebi: well I wanted to make a kinda text to voice for you built into your mask

Notepad: wouldn't you need my mask

Dokkaebi: may I please get it

Notepad: follow me

I walk back to my dorm seeing ela still asleep

Dokkaebi: so what's up with you two

Notepad: not saying, now look at the corner while I change mask

Dokkaebi: ok

As she looks away I change my mask and give her my most used mask. The one my dad got me.

Noyepad: get it back to me in under 2 weeks

Dokkaebi: I'll get it back in about 4 days

Notepad: ok good luck

Dokkaebi: ok thank you

She walks out the room so I shut the door, then I turn to see ela waking up so I walk up and lay back down

Ace: morning sleeping beauty

Ela: hello baby, why was Grace in here

Ace: she was needing my mask to make a text to speech thing

Ela: well I have something we can do today

Ace: what is it

Ela: well, we haven't spent that much time together, so we could have some fun

When she said the last part, she sat on my chest.

Ace: ela not that I wouldn't but your still wounded and I'm not on the mood

Ela: your no fun

Ace: you know what is going to be fun

Ela: and what would that be

Ace: well we have a week off

Ela: that's good news

Ace: What would you like to do

Ela: well I might go home and see my family other than zofia.

Ace: well you have fun with that

Ela: are you oblivious

Ace: you want Me to meet your parents

Ela: yessss

Ace: you know what would make this day better

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