Part 1

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 Steve rubbed his eyes as he as he leaned back in his chair, sleep begging to overtake his eyes again. His head was leaning into his open palm as black blemishes were dancing in his slowly fading vision- "Ow!" he blurted as he instantly pulled his head back up from his desk, a dull stinging pain in his forehead where his face had smacked dab into the smooth surface. He sighed as he rubbed his blue eyes with the hand that WAS holding his head, before turning in his chair to look at the old clock on the wall. It was blurry from his sleepy eyes, but he could tell thanks to the clock hands. It was about ten fifty-five am, and Steve just wanted to get work done so he could finally go to sleep. He had been putting off the mission report for three days now, and it needed to be done by two thirty pm tomorrow. The blonde super soldier let out the breath of air he had been holding, knowing he wasn't going to finish it tonight. Steve let out a long silent yawn as he stood up from his chair, going towards his dresser. Lord, he couldn't wait to go to bed. He was going to fall asleep the second his head- "Ahhhhh! Daddy!" a voice screamed. Steve's head snapped towards the source of the sound, intense fear instantly took him over as Steve slammed open his door in a flash before he practically broke down the door. It didn't matter how tired the super soldier was, that voice could make him take down a titan of any size. It was his very reason for living. Steve opened the door, making it's doorknob almost create a hole in the wall. "(Y/n)!" Steve exclaimed, looking around the dark room furiously, his eyes immediately adjusting to scout for any sign of danger. But he saw nothing except a small bundle of blankets lying in the middle of the bed that sat in the room. Steve could have laughed, or cried, at the amount of relief that over him at that moment. He had considered the worst outcome when he heard her scream and was happy to see that she wasn't in that kind of danger. Steve exhaled, his tense shoulders loosening up before walking towards the bed, a sincere smile on his face. He could hear soft whimpers muffled by the thick sheets that were draped over them. "Ahhhahhhhhahhhh!" it cried. "(Y/n)? It's Daddy" Steve whispered, carefully pulling the blankets off of her. And there sat little (y/n) in tears. It had been two years since Steve had adopted her, and she was six now. But the little (h/c) haired child claimed that it was six and a half, making the family of supers laugh every time she said so. But it was so hard to see the shy girl from before. She was... Well, more childish. She didn't train as much, actually slept in now, played more, and wasn't as weary to meeting new people. And finally, she barely cooked or cleaned anymore. But Steve loved that, she shouldn't have to worry too much on making sure the house was in good condition in his opinion. It was more of a parents job. She had come a long way. Steve picked her up and set her in his lap as he hugged her close to him, his large form wrapping itself around her tiny one. "Shhhh... It's ok," Steve whispered to her, petting her hair in an attempt to calm her down. It seemed to work as she sniffed, her crying slowly, but surely, calming down till she was taking deep breaths. "You alright?" he asked her. She nodded her head against his torso, rubbing her hands against her eyes. "Y-yeah. I'm al-alright" she told him. "What happened?" he asked her in a calm voice. "I-I had a bad dream!" she said, bursting into tears again. Steve shuffled around the bed until he was laying on the bed with her tucked under his arm protectively. "Hey, it's ok. There's nothing to be scared of. What happened in the dream?" Steve asked his daughter. "W-well, at first I had a dream about the movie U-uncle Tony showed me when I was f-four," she started. Fuck you Stark, he thought bitterly. "A-and then it got all dark and scary. I don't know how, but I was running away from H-HYDRA!" she cried, her fingers gripping Steve's fingers. Steve looked at her with a solemn gaze. He'd give anything for her to be able to forget her days in HYDRA. To be able to undo her suffering... "But that wasn't the worse part!" she yelled, looking at him, tears flowing freely out of her eyes. "What was?" Steve asked her, ready to hold her. "Some creepy old man cut Uncle Thor's hair off!" she screamed, burying her face in his chest. It was still for a split second before Steve snorted. He snorted. He tried, he really, truly did, but he still ended up laughing. His laugh was deep and rich as a grin settled on his features. "What's funny?!" (y/n) asked him, her face showing both hurt and annoyance which only made the super soldier laugh harder. "Nothing!" Steve howled, clutching his abdomen. As he laughed, he watched as she sat up on her knees and annoyed look on her face. "I'm not lying! Some creepy all-powerful old man CUT UNCLE THOR'S HAIR!" she exclaimed, giving Steve the best stern look she could give him, but it was still funny. Steve went on laughing and rolling on (y/n)'s bed for what felt like hours to him before he finally calmed down. "Are you done now?" (y/n) asked him, her arms folded across her chest. "Yeah, I'm sorry, just... Thor? Of all people?" he asked her with a smile in his face. His lungs hurt from all the laughing he had done, and his cheeks hurt from smiling. (Y/n)'s annoyed demeanor changed, and she started to play with the ends of her hair. "It was the scariest thing" she told quietly. Steve's smile shrunk before he shifted his weight so that it was all focused in his arms, which held him up as he was laying on his side.

"Hey, look at me, Uncle Thor may be a bit dense at times, but there is no way on earth-"

"It wasn't on earth"

"That's not the point. The point is, I promise that nothing will happen to Uncle Thor's... uhh, beautiful golden hair," he told her. "I mean, I can't even imagine Thor with short hair" he said. Steve's heart warmed up as he saw the little (h/c) haired girl's face produce a small smile before it disappeared, and a frown replaced it. "Does that mean that HYDRA'S not coming back?" she asked him. Steve's mind was drawn blank at her words and his throat felt as if it was blocked. But he was able to swallow thickly before he looked onto her (e/c) eyes. Steve lay down and pulled his daughter close to his chest. He could feel his heart steadily beating against her body, letting him know that she was there, safe and sound. "I love you, you know that? You know that I would never let anything happen to you, right?" he asked her. He felt her nodded, nuzzling into him. "Then remember this. I will love and protect you as long as I live, until the day I die. And even if HYDRA gets you, I'll beat their butts six feet under. You're not going back there without a fight" he told her. Steve rested his head against the pillow on the bed. It was so soft and fluffy, he could have fallen asleep then and there. And before he knew it, the world began to slow down again. Just as the world was about to turn back, a yawn made his eyes flutter open. It wasn't loud, but ti was just out of pure instinct. Eventually, it quieted down and he hazily felt (y/n) moved within his arms, making herself comfortable. "Thanks. Night Daddy. I love you" she said before finally laying down in her bed. Steve couldn't help but smile. He never thought that he'd ever hear those words come out of a child's mouth, to HIM at least. But he wasn't going to question it, but be thankful he had it. He fought hard to keep her once Fury's so-called "superiors" found out that their next big super duper emerald crime fighter was now under his care. It took a lot of sleepless nights and a week of court (along with a lot of money that Tony took care of without breaking a sweat) before he was able to officially be able to keep her. But it was worth it. And she was his child to love, raise, and teach. Teach... Crap, she starts school tomorrow, he thought. The avenger agreed it'd be a good idea to start sending (y/n) to a normal school while she was still young. They all decided that she needed more child social interaction. Steve thought it was a great idea. He loved school. He made friends, learned lots of things, it was great. Other than being shoved in lockers a lot... Okay, maybe he didn't think it completely through yet. But as much as the blonde man wanted to care, he just couldn't. His body was screaming bloody murder at him to just go the frick to bed. And he agreed completely. So, carefully as he didn't want to wake his sleeping daughter up, Steve reached down and grabbed the blankets up and wrapping them around him and the child. And for the rest of the night, they slept peacefully, with nothing but sweet dreams.

The Most Important Mission (Captain America x Child!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat