Part 5

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Steve looked over the files on the coffee table with stern, unmoving narrow eyes, his eyebrows knitted together. He hadn't looked away from the numerous papers since he got back from dropping (y/n) off at her school. The papers were strewn all across the surface, not caring of the mess for once. The file that used to house the papers, which was somewhere under all the said paperwork, held all the information the Avengers had on the small group of ex-HYDRA agents. It had everything from a list of dangerous people to possible future targets. Anger boiled in him as he stared down at a familiar face of a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. His thumb softly rubbed against his last name, which was also hers, as it had been for a long time now. He wondered how all this trouble was going to play out. He, of course, hoped it all turned out ok. Though sadly, nothing was ever that simple for his family. The blonde haired man still felt angry at Natasha for lying to him for god knows how long about the recent HYDRA uprise, especially when he could've helped. Or they could've at least let him know what they were finding, just... something. Frightening scenarios filled his head and put him on edge. What if (y/n) had got kidnapped and he would've had no clue because his team didn't want him to worry. Screw not being worried. Caution keeps you vigilant, arrogance gets you killed, he thought. He wondered how long had Tony known about it? He figured not long because he knew for a fact that the raven haired billionaire would have "accidentally" left some files around that Steve would happen to notice. That was the thing about Tony Stark. No one could ever completely hold him down. He always was willing to break rules his own way whenever he saw fit. Even if it was Natasha. He'd do it to spite her, I know it, Steve thought. But his thinking was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice calling his name in a singsong voice. "Steve, You're needed on the fifteenth floor!" Tony's voice called out through the speakers. His voice sounded flat and serious. A serious Tony was never good. Steve sighed as he rolled his eyes, his hands quickly gathering the papers and neatly putting them back into the file Natasha gave him. "I'm on my way" he said. Steve walked over to the elevator and pressed the button that would take him to the fifteenth floor, where he got out to see Nat, Tony, Thor, and Bruce. The fifteenth floor was mainly used for business purposes, such as meeting, negotiations, or signing contracts. So when he walked in, it was a nicely decorated room with a large table, each of the present Avengers in a seat. Steve's blue eyes were immediately drawn to the big holographic screen on one of the walls. It showed a paused video of a semi-crowded street, ready to be played. "Alright, I'm here. What's up?" he asked. Tony straightened up in his seat, a serious look in his face. "So, don't freak out, or get that look in your eyes that looks like satan" Tony said. "Look? What look?" Steve asked. "You know, it's kinda like a smolder, only it looks like you wanna rip off someone's head while damming them to hell-". "Tony!" Natasha exclaimed, her gaze fixed on the table. "Fine. Steve, we have a HYDRA sighting in New York" Tony said quickly.



"When and where?" Steve said in a deadly voice. "I said no death smolder" Tony muttered. Natasha sighed before standing up and heading over to the screen. "The footage was taken a little over thirty minutes ago down in the outskirts of the city," she told the room. Steve walked towards the screen along with her, his eyes never leaving the screen. They watched as the video played, an individual man highlighted as he zigzagged through the crowd. "Don't worry, it's on the other side of town. Far away from (y/n)'s school as possible. But I think they're finally starting to scope the city for her" she explained, turning her head to look at everyone in the room. "Ok, well, what are we going to do?" Bruce asked. "We're going to find him and bring his ass here for questioning. Steve and I will be on the ground, Bruce will be our guy in the chair, while Thor and Tony are in the air" Natasha said. Thor, looked down, fidgeting in his chair. Steve's eyes instantly traveled to his friend, knowing at once there was something he was hiding. "What is it Thor?" the super soldier asked. The god of thunder's eyes immediately moved towards him, a guilty look on his face. "I cannot help Brother Anthony in the air anymore" he said. "Why?" Steve asked. "I lost my hammer. While I have unlocked new powers within myself, I was only able to fly with my hammer" he told the group. Natasha walked over, leaning on the table with her hands. "Ok then, you can take with Steve and me for extra muscle" she said. "I don't think that's the best idea" Steve said. Nat, Tony, Bruce, and especially Thor stared at him with a perplexed look on his face. "Why not capsicle?" Tony asked. "Yes, what is wrong with me helping from the ground?" Thor asked, his eyes showing his angry and hurt emotions. "It's not that your not useful, you are. But there are two things I'm worried about. One, you have no clue about the layout of the city. You don't know how to get around because you're not navigating your way in New York that much. Secondly, you only used your powers one time, and from what I gather from you and Bruce, it was more instinct and adrenaline than control. I think you should try to practice with them more before using them in missions. If my daughter wasn't on the line, I would wholeheartedly take you with us, but I can't have room for error" Steve explained. Thor let out the breath he had been holding. "You make a convincing argument. I will stay behind with Banner, so long as you promise to bring this bastard here. (Y/n) doesn't need this" Thor said, slapping the back of Bruce's shoulder. Everyone lightly chuckled as Bruce gasped, notably in pain from Thor's friendly slap. "Could you stop using your god strength for one second?! That hurts for a guy whose strength only comes out when he's angry!" the scientist said, making his friends laugh harder. "Hey, maybe you should borrow one of my gym memberships Bruce" Tony joked. The laughter soon died down, and Steve looked up with a confident smile on his face. "Let's take these sons of a bitch down" Steve said. "LANGUAGE!" Tony and Natasha yelled, smiles still evident on their faces.

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