Until Next Time (A Hetalia one-shot)

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America was gazing intently (read: glaring) at the new world map in front of him. Somewhere to his right, he could hear a sniffle. From the corner of his eye, he saw Indonesia sobbing and being comforted by her family and a now grown up East Timor.

"It's hard to believe they're gone," a voice murmured.

America's head swiveled to the left and found his previous caretaker also staring at the map. "England, how are the others?" America managed to rasp out. He glanced at his former colony and sighed heavily.

"It's," he faltered, "going well. They managed to elevate majority of the land. It's too bad they couldn't do the same for the others." He looked away guiltily.

America's hands clenched into fists and his whole body tensed. England seemed to realize the effect of what he just said and instantly looked up at him with alarmed eyes.

"America, stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault. Ok, partially it is but still," a soft but firm voice reprimanded him. "Mattie, watch your mouth before I sock your jaw," America hissed through gritted teeth.

Canada narrowed his eyes at his brother, "We told you time and time again about the situation, but what did you do?"

America remained silent as Canada stared him down.

"That's right. Nothing."

With that, Canada turned on his heel and brushed past an England who had a stunned face.

America closed his eyes and breathed in and out, trying to calm down. He opened his eyes, a sea of baby blue sadness.

"It was inevitable, Amerique," a lilting voice heavy with a French accent said. "France." America nodded in greeting at the country of love's direction.

"My, how you've grown. You're, what, 21 in human years now?" France commented as he gave America a once-over.

America cracked a smile. "Thanks! With my looks, I can legally drink now!" he joked. "Anyway, how is Spain?" America asked, adopting a now serious face.

France's shoulders sagged a bit. "He.....is doing fine," he assured but there was a hint of worry. A guilty look flashed on America's face, as he could still hear some sniffles and sobs around the meeting room.

"Is it okay if I visit him?" he asked with a hint of hope in his voice. France shook his head, "I don't think it'll be good on your end. I mean, he's already lost Portugal and Romano already."

"Oh." America's shoulders sagged lower than necessary.

"Anyway," England spoke up, "I need to go check on Sealand."

England walked towards a now grown up Sealand and Latvia. America then let out a sigh that he didn't know he was holding. France glanced at him in pity.

"It feels heavy, doesn't it?" France asked.

"What does?" America replied in the form of a question.

"The weight of the world on your hands."

"How do you know?"

"My boy,almost every European country held it. England and Spain the longest."

America's eyes widened. "Talking to them about it would not be a good idea. England will most likely throw you out and ignore you for the next few weeks or so. Spain would probably throw things at you because your words might trigger the nightmares about what he did," France explained.

America sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples, "Ok, I get it. Instead, I'll go check on the newly acquired territory of Brunei in compensation for the land he lost."

France nodded his head in understanding but his attention was quickly grabbed by a certain Prussian.

America looked around, eyes filled with regret as he saw some countries gazing sadly at the new world map. He realized just now how many were taken and how little resurfaced.

He sighed heavily again, stood up and left, nobody noticing his leave.


The humid Pacific breeze ruffled his sandy blonde hair but he didn't seem to mind, seeing as how content and relaxed his face and body is.

His eyes were closed but then he sighed softly and opened them.

"Hey, long time no talk. To keep you up to date, we finally changed the world map. Majority, no, almost all of the countries didn't want to participate. So it left me, Iggy, Germany and Canada running around and checking out the borders and statuses and asking various country leaders to form some kind of agreement or something. It was hectic, I tell ya!" he laughed.

After sobering up, he continued, "Anyway, we miss you, especially Spain and your family. Without you, it's as if Spring stopped coming and the flowers stopped blooming. Hell, even Russia misses his little sunflower."

In reply, the wind picked up a little but posed no danger.

The corner of America's mouth lifted to form a small smile. He breathed in the salty air as a tear escaped.

"I miss you so, so much," he said, his voice cracking a bit. Then, he set the parcel he was holding afloat. It bobbed up and down as it drifted farther away from him.

He turned his back and walked away but not before saying, "Until next time, Philippines."

Until Next Time [A Hetalia One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now