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Lately your boyfriend, Min Yoongi, has been too busy with his work, from song writing, to rapping and so on. He usually stayed at the studio recording until really late hours into the night.

You thought it wouldn't affect you, since you knew when approaching a relationship with someone as popular as him this was one of the things that you were eventually have to deal with later on in the relationship. But you didn't expect that "later on" to be so soon.

But it did, it did affect you so damn much that you stayed awake every night until he came and you felt him get into bed, near you. Only then would your eyes be able to catch any ounce of sleep. And most nights you really didn't know if he actually knew that you stayed awake or not, nor could you confront him with the truth of how much that was affecting you.

One day though, you had a different thought, maybe he wasn't staying late to 'work' as he says.. maybe he is just taking it as an excuse, an excuse to get away from you, maybe he didn't want this relationship anymore. Just the thought hurt to much, that you felt your eyes began to water, you should have known it from the beginning, you were not good enough for Yoongi, you shouldn't have agreed to get into a
relationship this fast.. now he's bored of you.

You curled up in your side of the bed, turning off the bed side lamp and facing away from Yoongi's side, you couldn't even dare look at his face after that thought you had, how could you be so naïve? You couldn't notice he didn't want you anymore.

It was already 12AM, so you decided to try sleeping alone for once and not being a clingy baby, waiting for him to come so you could sleep. But you couldn't, every minute that passed felt like torture, like hell on earth, you couldn't stop thinking, and every thought was getting worse than the one beforehand.

Before you even knew it, your face was now filled with tears, ones that have already dried and new ones that kept coming one after another, frustration taking over you, you don't know when you started crying and you couldn't care less anymore.

You glanced again at the bedside clock, with tear filled eyes and blurry vision, you could see that it was already 2AM now, which was about the time Yoongi came every night.

You didn't want him to see you like this, so you got up quickly, rushing to the bathroom. You turned on the lights, and you felt a stinging pain in you eyes that lasted a few seconds before you could see in front of you again. You took a step inside, not ready to look in the mirror right now, but knowing you had to. Lifting you head up slowly, your gaze met your reflection. You were taken aback for a second, literally jumping slightly at the sight, shocked by what you saw.

Your eyes were red and swollen, your face was pale and dull, almost every feature that wasn't hidden inside of you gave away the fact that you were crying your eyes out just a few minutes ago.

You hastily turned on the tap, tossing the water onto your face continuously, trying to hide the obvious signs of your weakness and vulnerability. But every time the cool water hit your face you felt the thoughts you have been trying to keep away just seeping back to your mind without warning.

Every attempt to stop the tears flowing out of your eyes and the dizziness in your brain was backfiring right at the moment, all the long nights of waiting, all the bottled up emotions, all the unanswered questions, they were just flooding through your brain, making you weaker and weaker.

You felt your knees shaking under you, and soon felt your body hit the cold floor underneath you as you covered your face with both hands in a futile attempt to stop the tears, and bent your knees forward hugging them to your chest, burying your face in them.

You couldn't care less if he could see you right now, you couldn't care less because it didn't matter anymore, you were hurting either way, and you didn't even know why you had to hurt in the first place, you were just ready to end everything right here, right now, to end this torture for you once and for all.

"Y/N..?? What happened?!" You heard that familiar voice shout from the direction of the bathroom door, soon followed by running footsteps towards you, you didn't even lift your head up, you don't even want to see him right now.

He cupped your face in his hands and lifted it up looking you in the eyes, and you saw tears forming at the corners of his eyes, you doubted it for a second, but when his voice cracked in the next sentence he tried to mutter, you realized it wasn't illusion. "What happened.. please tell me, why.. why are you like this??!" He exclaimed, still unaware of the reason.

"You really don't have any idea why I'm like this, Yoongi?" You replied, surprising yourself by how breathless and strange your voice sounded. And of course surprising him even more.

He was about to mutter another thing, you didn't care what it was, cutting it off before he even tried saying anything. "If you don't need me in your life anymore you couldn't just tell me Min Yoongi! You could tell me so that I don't have to suffer so much, but even this would be too caring of you that you didn't even think of telling me! Maybe you could find someone at 'work' and date them instead!" You screamed without thinking, suddenly gaining strength that you didn't know where you got it from, you stood up and ran out of the bathroom leaving him behind, not even wanting to see his reaction.

Opening the wardrobe, you fetched out your bag, starting to place your clothes inside it as quickly as you could.

You felt a hand on yours, stopping all your movement and pushing away the bag, you still didn't look into his eyes, how could you even dare lock eyes after what you said?.. You felt a finger underneath your chin, lifting your head up and to the direction of his own face, forcing you to do what you just abandoned doing for the past couple of minutes.

Not knowing how to react, tears starting to flow again, like they haven't even stopped before, you didn't even know how you felt, were you scared? frustrated? depressed? Angry? what did you even want right now? you knew nothing, and you couldn't bear it. Suddenly came the answer to all of those questions, the action you most needed, but didn't really know you did need until you felt it, his arms wrapped around your slim, weak form, pulling you closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he kept saying that over and over in the most quite sincere voice you have ever heard in your life, his tears mimicking the actions of your own, pooling underneath his eyes and just falling down his face.

Your arms seemed to move involuntary, returning the hug that was initiated by him. You felt every bit of anger left in your mind fly away with that moment, starting to pat him back lightly, comforting him, knowing too well that it should be the other way round, but unable to help it, he was the man your heart loved after all..

You remained like this for a while, neither of you saying anything, or rather, neither of you needed to say anything, its like your minds telepathically communicated, with no need for actual words.

He pulled away a few minutes later, locking eyes with you again, using his thumb to wipe away your tears. "I tend to get too carried away with work, it's a bad habit I had since I was younger, I'm sorry I neglected you like that, please promise me you wouldn't hide anything else away from me anymore.. I don't want to see you suffering like this again, ever." He said in a serious tone, still keeping his gaze into your eyes and never once breaking it during these words, giving them more emphasis.

"I promise, Yoongi." you replied back a moment later, a smile starting to form on your lips, a very genuine one, knowing that your don't have to worry anymore, that all those bad thoughts you had were just mere doubts, and unreal things.

He smiled back, and it made your heart flutter, you really can't get enough of that smile of his, it just added more beauty to his face, if that was even possible, you thought.

"Promise me." | Yoongi 윤기 One Shot [ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now