Wide Eyes

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It's true that relationship between two living beings is naturally delicate. The bond shared by them is truly admirable. Even though I consider it..you wouldn't be imagining the same with animals, will you be?
Well, if yes or whatever thoughts you come up with are considerably reasonable.

Here is how my life misery began..

While I was enjoying my cup of coffee , I heard troublesome noises coming from the other room. I knew the nocturnal animal was still scratching the same spot of the wall. "Beretta , enough of the nuisance!" , I screamed.

While I was still amazed at her skills. That fuzzy animal was surely creating a fuss in my life. The pricked walls of mine seemed to be in a terrible state. It was all obvious that it was worth complaints but my affection for her remained unchanged.

One day, I skipped my daily routine of feeding her at five due to some urgency. When I came back home.....well, it didn't seem as my home. It was devastated. I knew the one behind this. The walls of every room including basement were badly pricked on. I tried to search for her because somehow it was my fault too, wasn't it?

But she was nowhere to be found!

"Beretta!!Beretta!" I kept on calling her name.

My hopes were low. Maybe she ran away in anger- was what I thought at that moment.

I opened the cupboard to keep my coat.

Then, I saw something unusual.

A streaked head of something with fine coated hairs and a tail...
"A tail!!" ...Then my doubts gave up when I saw the shuddered wide eye.

"Oh Beretta, dear what did you do!?"
Though my words sounded furious but my worries for her were no less.

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