you belong with me...p2

682 19 4

Hi I'm ( y n ), as you remember Dylan was dating this girl named Mikayla foster. WELL GUESS WHAT! THAT STUPID GIRL CHEATED ON DYLAN!!
I always knew she wasn't that nice, Dylan is still hart broken about it why...was she really that better than me Dylan hadn't texted me in a whole I'm getting worried about him...I should check on him.

Texts between you and Dylan

You: hey Dylan, are you ok

Dylan: .........

You: Dylan, I know your there

Dylan: I'm fine.

You: Dylan... are you sure

Dylan: ........

You: yep I'm coming over

I got up from where I was sitting on my bedroom bed grabbed my bag and left my house to go check on Dylan.

Time skip Dylan's house

It looks like I came at the right time because Dylan's mom said that Dylan hasn't been out of his room since Yesterday. He's mom, is getting really worried about him right now I'm in front he's bedroom door debating whether or not I should knock
Come on ( y n ) he doesn't like you! Why are you here trying to comfort him, he doesn't care. I thought to myself but I knocked anyway Dylan, it's me ( y n ) can I come in? I said leaning my ear to the door I hear crying...
Dylan, didn't relay so I went in he's room without him noticing. I saw him laying there on his bed and crying and beside him on his nightstand with his phone he was looking at pictures of him and Mikayla. Hey Dylan, are you ok I said putting my bag down on the floor walking to his bed sitting beside him no... I'm not ok wh-y  d-id  sh-e do this... he said shuttering and trailing off at the end crying oh Dylan... it's going to be ok I promise I said leaning over hugging him

I'm sorry Dylan you didn't deserve this

Yeah! P2 who wants a p3!

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