chapter 2

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"Well..." he says, trying not to act overly eager in case she changed her mind, "if you think you're ready to..."

"I am."

"You're sure? We don't have to."

"Lindsey," she says sternly.

"Okay, okay. I've got you, baby." Once again, he knows she needs him to take charge on this. She's the one making herself vulnerable, so he's gotta act confident in order to reassure her. "Lay on your side?"

"Like this?" she asks, rolling over and bending her knees so she's in a semi-fetal position.

"Perfect." It would be tempting to have her on all fours with that round little ass up in the air, his for the taking, but he knew he would have a hard time controlling himself if she was in that position and he didn't want this to be painful for her when she was trusting him this completely. Not to mention that he knew that if she liked it, she might let him do it again in the future.

He reaches for the jar of Vaseline and lubes himself up, feeling like he was 13 again and stealing his mom's hand lotion to jerk off with. That kid would pass out if he could look into the future to where he was now, he thinks, seeing himself in bed with a woman who was far beyond any of his wildest teenage fantasies.

She looks over her shoulder at him and smiles, but he can see the slight nervousness in her eyes, so he starts rubbing her back with his free hand to reassure her. "I've got you."

"Mmm," she murmurs, soothed by his words as he lies down behind her. He kisses the back of her neck, arm around her waist.

"We'll go slow, alright? Just tell me if you want to stop."

She nods and bites her cheek, waiting. "Ow! Oww. Fuck."

"Damnit. What do you want, baby?" he asks, the head of his dick barely inside her. He holds still except to rub her stomach, afraid that pulling out was going to be even more uncomfortable for her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She winced, trying to hide her reaction to the unfamiliar intrusion. The fingers had been uncomfortable at first, yeah, but this just flat-out hurt. Still, she was determined to keep going. "It's alright. Just...give me a second?"

"Anything," he promises, running his fingers through her hair soothingly.

She realizes she's been holding her breath and exhales, feeling herself relaxing as she does. "Okay. Keep going."

"You're so good, angel. So good." He rests his chin on her shoulder and slowly moves deeper inside her. She's so tight around his dick that he's almost in pain, so he can imagine how she must be feeling.

The sting is beginning to subside as she gets used to the sensation and takes a few deep breaths. He stops moving again once he's fully inside her, one hand cupping her breast as he waits for her to decide she's ready for him to start moving again. "Linds?"

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

She reaches behind herself, squeezing his ass playfully. "Fuck me. C'mon."

"Oh right, right." He was so focused on trying not to blow his load that he had almost forgotten what he was supposed to do next.

"Babe...?" She's about to ask whether his dick is suddenly paralyzed when he starts moving, rocking his hips back and forth in a slow rhythm. He groans into her ear and she reaches for his hand to place it between her legs. "Ahh. Touch me."

He's worried that he doesn't have the brain capacity right now to do two things at once, but he's sure as hell going to try. "Is does it feel?"

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