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I wear my armor,
not only for me but for you.
I spare you the feelings of pain and sorrow,
Only to put them on me.
I wear my armor to protect you,
Things that might hurt you will never get near.
I will put them away onto me.
I wear my armor to help you,
To always be close to heart,
For you never to feel alone.
I have put my armor before you,
Entrusting you with my love,
Only to have you toss it away.
I have lost my armor to you,
All the things I did useless.
I've grown out of it no longer to fit.
Forced to try on new sizes and textures,
Only to have grown another,
Yet this armor is stronger and impenetrable,
And keeps out all the things,
That have hurt me the most.
Goodbye old friend,
I'll never feel you again...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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