Waking up?~

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   Authors note one:
This is the first chapter! Brought to you by Hamilton fan, who now has a secret admirer. On to ittt. P.s you call Lafayette daddy, Hercules papi, Lauren's darling, and Alex Diablo, he's alright with it though.

    Your POV:

     Ah, just waking up. The best time of the day. Atleast for me, only because I get to wake up to this; "  darling~ are you awake yet?~ " I hear Lafayette coming up the stairs, I'm completely sure he brought breakfast as he always does, so I make my bed, and sit ontop of it, criss Crossed, with my best puppy eyes. He loves when I do that, he calls me his little pup. I put my hands on my legs and rest my head on one of them, sighing, I act like I'm sad he isn't there, and when he walks in he smiles,  " Awee, did you miss me? " he sets the food down and hugs me, I stand up on the bed and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist I nuzzle into his neck.

He reflexively holds onto my legs, but switches me onto his side, holding my food in the other hand, he walks downstairs with me still on his hip. I smile to myself and look at him, playing with my hair. " Don't act like I wouldn't miss you daddy, you know I do. " He smiles at that, he loves it when I act childish.

He walks downstairs and sets me on the couch, I sit criss cross once again and play with my hair. (( by the way, you're wearing no pants but you have black underwear on, you have a black bra, and an oversized Rolling Stones t-shirt that's showing your shoulders )) everyone who was on the couch turns around, Lauren's smiles and hugs me, " morning beautiful " he says. I smile and say, " Morning darling " he smiles back and I say hello to everyone.

when Lafayette comes back he has hot food in his hand and he sets it down on me, I smile and thank him, looking up to put on X-Files as I eat the pancakes.

    Alexander's POV ;)  :

Transition brought to you by Hamilton fan.

I was about to get bored, until I saw her walk down, well, I wouldn't say walk, she was on the side of laf, but it still counts. She looked so beautiful, I didn't know what to say. I said hello when she said, " Morning Diablo~ " I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, everyone's happier now that she's downstairs.

Authors note agAin: 

I'm gonna stop there, I hope people read this lmaoooo. Anyway, adioss! Oh Btw, sorry if it was like, too sexual? Considering the nicknames for the squad.

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