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We walk down the road, hand in hand, because we are best friends. "Hey jaiden. Do you know what we should do?" I say gently. "I don't know Tiff. What should we do?" I tighten my grip on his hand. "Lets go swimming!!" I say as I start to drag him to the lake at the end of the road. "ok, but Tiff?" He says, sounding confused. "Yes?" I ask sounding very concerned. "I'LL BEAT YOU THERE!" He says as he starts running. I run after him without even thinking twice. He knows I'm faster than him and in no time I rush past him at full speed towards the water. I stop before I go in and pull my clothes off until I'm standing there in my undergarments. Jaiden looks at me and starts blushing. " Jaiden! Stop and hurry up!" He pulls everything off until he is standing there in his little tighty whities! I burst out laughing and jump into the water. 


Hey guys!! This was just a teaser! sorry, i know im mean. Please comment and vote. I love you guys.💕 If you want to know what the lake looked like look at the picture. 

waiting for youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora