Touch me cruel

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"Do you trust me?" a faint whisper jolted Amy up from her sleep. She lied awake staring at the ceiling - here lately he's all she thinks about. What made him so damn special anyway? Was it the fact that he introduced her to sensualities she didn't even know existed? To the enjoyment of pain as pleasure?
'It's too late now.' She told herself. Daily reminder that she was better off without the confusion of his "almost love." His "almost good enough" or his "almost relationship." Amy spent countless hours throughout her day reciting self-empowering mantras to aide her heartbreak. But there was nothing to stop the thoughts, or memories.
Amy was different now: She was more confident, but also quieter. She observed more and took time to think before she spoke. His love left her wide open; vulnerable. And to some avail, it has worked in her favor.
Amy's day started and ended as usual – shower, work, gym, food, homework, & a good read. As she turned the last page of the current chapter she was reading, her phone chimed.
"Hi." A message popped up across her screen. Her heart racing and dropping to her stomach, her palms now sweating; her breath, shallow.
It was him.
She hadn't heard from him in months. And though she subconsciously had been eagerly waiting for him to reach out, she was also determined to not fall back into his same schemes. At least not so easily this time. She opened the message, notifying him that she read it, and then turned off her phone without responding. It was past her bedtime.
Days passed and Amy was enjoying this new cat & mouse game they were playing. He was persistent in trying to get her attention and so she finally responded after 2 days of silence. A week later, they agreed to meet up but only under her rules.
Amy knocked on his door, shakily. She couldn't get her mind to stop racing and she was sure he would hear her heartbeat out loud. When he opened the door he was wearing a thong, chastity, heels, and mouth gag. Just like Amy had requested. Her nerves suddenly eased as she reminded herself, 'you're the one in control now.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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