About you

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Ok so since I have to start over and you guys need to know about yourselves I'll put them right here.

(Y/N) - Your name

(L/N) - Last name

(E/C) - Eye color

(H/C) - Hair color

(F/C) - Favorite color 🎨

(F/F) - Favorite food 🍴🍕🍔

(F/A) - Favorite anime
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(C/O/C) - Choice of clothes 👗👚👖

(H/L) - Hair length

(B/F/N) - Best friend name

(F/E/C) - Friend's eye color

(F/H/C) - Friend's hair color

(S/E/C) - Stranger's eye color
And now of what you remember.

You had woken up by somebody shaking you. You slowly opened your eyes to find a pare of (S/E/C) ones staring right back at you. You immediately got out of the comfy space you we're in and got into battle stance. 'What am I doing?' You thought. Then the stranger got startled and fell on their butt. You glared at the stranger and looked at her appearance. She/He had (F/H/C) and (F/E/C). She/He then got up knowing that you wouldn't help her/him up.

"Hi, my name is (B/F/N)! What's yours?"

"I-Im (Y/N)."

Awkward silence then fills the room. But you break it.

"Um... Mind telling me where I am?"

"Hm, oh why yes! You are in my apartment."

"Apartment? What the hells that?"

(B/F/N) looked at you with wide eyes and a sweat drop, "Wait... You don't know what a apartment is?"

You simply just shook your head a 'no' motion.

"I see... If you don't mind me asking, where did you come from?"

"I-I don't know." You responded, looking at the ground, your muscles tensed.

"Uh, Ok. Well, I guess you could stay with me until we find you an apartment. You could probably be my neighbor!"

'Wow, she sure is lively.' You thought.

"Hey um if you don't mind where did you find me?"

"Oh I found you in front of my apartment collapsed."


As time passed you and (B/F/N) have become good friends and learned a lot about each other. You guys felt like sisters. You guys were inseparable. You guys felt like a family. Until fate changed that.


Fate will never change that or touch it because I'm the author! Mwahahahaha! >:D

Forgot to mention, if you have no friends (I'll be your friend!) Just make a name up. Or just add a family member that is like your best friend.


Anyways hope you enjoyed this info about yourself. I will be updating every Saturday and Sunday. Gotta go! Bye!

Lye23435 out!

Edit: Ew, why am I so cringy ✋🏼😟

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