5: The Patriots Crew

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Kaede, Tess, and I finally make our way towards an abandoned side of Lake. There's no electricity so the only light is the specks of stars and the moon which give a ghostly glow to the empty streets.

Kaede points to a sewer in an alley. She whispers, "Here." We don't have time to ask questions as me, Tess, then Kaede climb underground.

It doesn't smell the greatest in here but neither does anywhere else in Lake. I make sure to watch out for puddles or anything else that may make me slip and fall.

I notice a door that's shut and Kaede points her body towards it. We stagger along the dark allays until we reach the door. Kaede whispers something into her earpiece and the door opens for us letting in a beam of light from inside; must be from the computers.

"Whats up my bitches!" Kaede walks in throwing her arms up in the air. I can't contain my laughter. "Kaede what did we say about language?" I hear a voice ask her. I look over to see Razor. I know it's him cause he looks like fucking Lafayette from Hamilton in the graphic novel of Prodigy. The resemblance is uncanny, it's kinda scary. "Ahh, you must be the new one." Razor pats my shoulder and looks to Kaede. "She's supposedly a good hacker." Kaede smirked and tilted her head towards me. I noticed Tess went off to a little area in the corner talking to some other people which I assumed were other nurses like her. "We could use some more hackers." Razor's stance is tall and broad as he leads us over to a table surrounded by a few of the hackers I'm guessing. "Let's see what you got kid." He motions for me to sit in a chair that is in the middle of many monitors that are on the wall and the desk.

"What exactly?" I ask while looking away from the bright screens. "Let's try something easy," Razor says. "Try hacking into the Republic's database." I smile knowing exactly what to do. It takes me a whopping 2 minutes and I'm in. I have access to every person in the Republic. "Nice." Razor looked over at Kaede, "She will be perfect."

I stood up from the chair as I hear some Patriots saying 'how good I was'. I follow Kaede to another place in the room where I see her clique: A tan guy, must be Pascao, the epic gamer himself, Frankie, our queen that deserved better, and Baxter, who I kinda hate. I act as if I don't know any of them as Kaede begins to introduce me to the others. "Beth this is Pascao," "Sup." He replied. "This is Frankie." "Hey!" Frankie waved. "And, this is Baxter." He crosses his arms of course, he gives me a small wave. I don't get offended, I know how he is. "And this is the crew." Kaede ushers me to sit down at an empty stool by Frankie. "Nice hacking." Frankie said. "Thanks." I smile at her. Why does she have to die later? "Yeah, you were pretty good up there, right Baxter?" Pascao stretched his arms over his head. "Sure." I gave Baxter a sour face. "Don't get to offended that's just how Baxter is." Pascao chuckled followed by Frankie and Kaede. Honestly I wish I could tell them that they're gonna end up in custody after what Razor does but I have to let the story move. Hopefully with me in it, it still sticks to the original plot.

"So where'd you find this one Kaede?" Pascao asked. "Tess actually brought her in. Apparently she got some wounds and you know good old Tess." Kaede answered while giving a small smile. "Classic." Frankie laughed a little. I'm starting to enjoy this clique. It's exciting that I get to hear more from these characters since they don't say much throughout the books. Pascao is of course, funny and honestly a mood. Frankie is so chill she reminds me of Cass. Cass. Holy shit what if people think I'm missing? What if like people believe I got murdered for being gone? Dear God, please don't let that happen. I feel my body grow tense at that thought and Kaede seems to notice. "Whatcha thinking about?" She asks. "Just the plan." I lie. "Yeah, this your first one right?" Frankie questions while sitting up straight. "Yep." I reply fidgeting with my hands.

After a while of chit chat we hear Razor announce something. "Change of plans everyone. Day's execution will be tonight." He points to some of the hackers, "I need security cameras hacked along with the electronic doors." He continues. "Kaede I need you and some others to get the helicopter and we need motorcycles too." He stands confidently and finally points to me. "After the electro-bomb, can you make the guns disabled for even longer?" He asks. "I'm pretty sure, it's quite simple." I chirp up rising from where I sat. "Perfect, everyone, we got a plan to do."

Everyone cheers and throws their fists up into the air as they all seem to get the plan ready. Kaede runs off with some other pilots to get the helicopter ready. I feel myself fill with anxious excitement.

I'm going to be able to help Day and John escape.

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