Chapter 1

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 Here is a story about bloopers. Didn't really know what to say about this, but it's the best I could come up with. Most people find bloopers funny, but have you ever stopped to think if the bloopers where a mistake or real, or even on purpose. They might have just tried to make you laugh and you never noticed it in the first place. That's where we come to the conclusion that some of the bloopers that you thought were real were actually fake. Just like when you're watching a movie that's a cartoon, but there are bloopers at the end. I mean what? It's a cartoon how were there mistakes there. Maybe the editing of the cartoon was off or something, but that doesn't make a lot of sense that they actually have lines for it. Have you ever watched a cartoon like this? If you have then you know what i'm talking about. It's weird, and I have no idea why those bloopers exist at the end. I don't really see the point for them to be there, because they're just there to try and make you laugh, when they are really not that funny. Nice try Disney, but I think that we might be too smart for you right now. 

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