Important - Net Neuterality

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So... if you hadn't already heard.... heh..... that's not funny.... well something bad is happening. I wanted to inform you about it. I don't really know how to explain it in depth so here's a video about it by Markiplier.

Yeah... I will not discontinue or end the story and I will keep updating. It just will take longer to update, or I may stop updating because of this. Please, help me and many other people stop this. This update is mainly to say that I love each and every one of you guys and you all hold a special place in my hearts and I will never forget you. If this actually does happen (if it doesn't in a week or two you can find me Irish dancing in my room) I will try to stop this and I hope you will Two. My wishes are that someone can stop this before it takes place.

I actually cried at this video.The internet is the only place where I can be myself and people will love me. I will miss all of you if this takes place.

Now, for me, spread the word #savefreeinternet. Share it with all of your social media's, your friends and everywhere.

Well, that's it for now. Boo-bye 🙁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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