Is Education The Key To Success?

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It's high time people knew that going to school does not mean I must get job in a firm and work for someone to get salary.

Going to school is to invest in yourself, build yourself, get exposure, know rights from wrong, see things from another perspective, to add to your knowledge, reasoning and thinking capacity. Over all it is to increase your value and worth as a human.

I can decide to go establish on my own in my field of study and it can be in a field entirely different from what I read in school. What matters is, having knowledge about the field I'm working with and I love it. The passion for what you do for a living is what can make you give your best in productivity and able to add your own innovation to it and break boundaries to have your name written on a platter of gold.

Not working in an office does not make one a failure or my education a waste (this one is d most annoying of all the assumption about education). I can decide not to work n be a blogger to earn my money as well as impact lives positively. I can open an NGO to impact lives, I can be a full time home maker, a writer, a counselor, adviser, a mentor, peace keeper, a coach and several other means of impacting lives without actually earning a pay from it.

Failure after acquiring education is when u were not better than u were before admission into school or u grew worse, or too obstinate to apply the acquired knowledge into your lifestyle claiming you want to live like your ancestors or worst of all, learning the negatives or spreading the negatives. That's when u FAIL! Going to school is not a ticket to success or wealth. They don't teach us money ritual in school or fraud.

People should stop expecting graduates to become the next  Bill Gate, Zuckerberg or Dangote, it doesn't work like that.

School is to build oneself and to know the right steps to take in one's chosen field, either working for someone or government or you established and became your own boss. So you u don't end up getting swindled/duped and u can keep your wealth growing when u made it (bcos na everybody want make money o, if I hear say I no like money )


Thank you for reading, I hope you find it educating enough. Let me know your thoughts about it through your comments. Thank you

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