The Leaper

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 ^^Here's a dog. Although, I'm a cat person, this dog was just to cute

The girl rubbed her arms as the cool breeze chilled her. She gracefully leapt from one roof to another. Stopping to look into the dark abyss, she released a sigh of contentment. She had done it hundreds of times before, but the freedom she felt never ceased to astound her. "We'll get you, Leaper. You j-" the head guard's furious voice got lost in the wind as he retreated his guards back into the palace after chasing the girl over the rooftops.

Beaming, she pulled out a gold necklace from her leather satchel, letting her fingers caress the diamond. A grin etched itself on her face while she slipped into her flat. Lying on her stained mattress, she realised she was back in her harsh reality; an orphan, with little possessions. Remembering the expensive jewelry she stole from the palace, she smiled to herself, thinking about how she would finally be able to eat a full meal tomorrow. The first one in a long time.

Meanwhile, the local blacksmith amusingly watched from the shadows, a small girl no older than 18 outrun 15 of the King's best men. He laughed at the joke of a man who called himself a King. Shaking his head, he walked back into his house.

The sun rays hit her eyes as she awoke. Trying to flee from the sunlight, she fell off the bed with a 'Thump!' Blinking the sleep away, she looks around her room trying to find her bearings. "I should eat something," she exclaimed to herself aloud after her stomach grumbled for being neglected for a number of days. Leaving her flat, she promenaded towards the buzzing Bazaar. The Bazaar was a location of diversity; rich and poor, male and female, foreigner and native all found themselves at the largest marketplace on the silk road. Her late parent's friend, Mr Cho owned a stall at the Bazaar. Mr Cho was a kind, old man that sold most of the stolen items she had brought.

Strolling up to Mr Cho's stall, she dropped her satchel on the table causing a 'Bang', waking him up from his slumber. "Hey," the Leaper spoke while taking a bite from an apple she had managed to purloin along the way.

"If it isn't little-miss-criminal? To what do I owe the pleasure to?" he questioned.

Passing the necklace she explained, "I need to sell this." Observing the shiny object, he took off his glasses letting them hang off the chain. Wiping the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief, he looked at her wearily making him look older than his age. "I don't want to know how you got this..." he stopped closing his eyes, before continuing, "But heed this warning. One day you're going to not make it. You're only human," Mr Cho said gravely.

Laughing at Mr Cho's seriousness, she said, "mistakes are for clowns." Taking her gold, she left.

Before slipping into the crowd, she heard Mr Cho's distant voice yell out behind her, "be careful!"

She ambled along the sandy street jumping over the occasional horse dung. She had already forgotten Mr Cho's warning. Hearing footsteps behind her she fastened her pace, she weaved through the narrow alleys. Hearing no one, she leaned down to catch her breath. Gazing forward she saw a dark, masculine figure. The Leaper started to scream when a large hand forcefully covered her mouth, "You have to be quiet. What we're about to talk about is classified information," he looked at her before dropping his hand, "You and I both loathe the King. With your knowledge of the palace and my knowledge of what the palace contains, we can bring the kingdom down."

The girl widened her eyes with fake innocence, "I am just a simple commoner that loves the King."

With a sombre expression, he remarked, "He murdered my parents in cold blood and I know he is getting closer in finding out who you are. You've humiliated him. You'll get capital punishment," he whispered the last sentence for effect.

Swallowing loudly, she closed her eyes and took a few breaths trying to absorb the information. She didn't value many things but she did value her life and freedom. She rubbed her neck, thinking about being hanged before muttering, "I'll do it. I don't trust you, never will, but, I will do it." Grinning from ear to ear, he whispered the plan to her. Before disappearing he yelled, "Call me Leo."

Hours before the first rooster's crow, the Leaper woke to her window creaking. Holding a broken glass bottle for protection, she crept towards the window. Standing before her was Leo "Already awake. Let's go." he stated cheerfully ignoring the broken glass bottle before pointing to the window. "I have a door..." she muttered signalling to the door but he had already disappeared through the window. Walking through the front door, she met Leo at the front of the bakery.

Together they journeyed across the abandoned streets and alleys in silence. Finally, arriving at the tall, looming walls, they stared at their impending future. The girl took a deep breath before she started climbing the bricks of the wall. Leo followed closely behind her. Reaching the top, she gracefully dropped hitting the floor making a quiet THUMP. Leo less gracefully tumbled down the wall hitting the floor with a THUD! "Shhh!" the Leaper hissed.

Leo rubbing his head and with a sheepish smile whispered, "sorry."

Slipping in and out of the shadows, they reached a window. The girl pushed open the window and they both entered what seemed to be a kitchen. Hearing chattering from the other room, the Leaper darted into another room followed closely by the panting boy. Out of breath, Leo whined, "Could you run slower. You keep vanishing."

"You're a thorn on my side. Just try to keep up. If you can't then go back," she retorted.

Leo huffed before following her out of the room and into a narrow, dimly lit hallway. They tread wearily into a room with rows and rows of files. "This is where the file is to show the people the King's corruption. It's called the Burning Document," he explained to her. They started searching for the file. File after file. Minute after minute. They searched quietly. All that could be heard was the occasional page flip or the sudden groan from Leo. Abruptly, the Leaper's voice cut the silence, yelling out, "I found it."

The boy and girl slipped out of the file room and into the hallway when she heard a distinct voice. "The Leaper and an unknown male sighted. All men are to be on alert. Kill on sight," the head guard's petrifying voice was heard coming closer. Wide eyes, Leo and Leaper started running into the kitchen. The girl struggled to open the window. Pushing and pulling, it was no use. Hearing the voices get closer, she had to think fast. Looking around, she saw the cellar doors that led to the palace gardens. The Leaper knew that only one of them could get out alive and at that moment she made a decision. Shoving the files in Leo's arms, she heard the stomping of feet come closer. Opening the door, she took one look at the boy before pushing him into the cellar and locking the door.

In the cellar, he could hear her rush out of the kitchen, leading the guards away from the cellar. Taking a deep breath, he tried opening the cellar door however, it was locked from the outside. Leaving the cellar he tried to convince himself that she was safe. He slipped through the garden and started climbing the wall when he heard a familiar, bone-chilling scream. Shaking his head, he attempted to persuade himself by mumbling, "it's not her. It's not her." Jumping off the wall, he ran towards the city.

Leo knew the files he was holding were powerful. Powerful enough to bring down a government. Knowing he had to avenge his parents and save the civilians of the city he held the files determinedly and walked towards the town square where the whole city could listen on as he would speak the words the King created which would later destroy him. Under the sunrise, people's faces turned to a golden hue as they scurried around. His voice stopped them, "Listen, for I will tell you what the King has been doing under your noses," he declared. He knew after he told the people about the King's doing, his reign would be over.


Hola, Wonderful Readers.

This is my first short story that I have posted on Wattpad. I was hoping to take this short story idea and create a novel out of it. Please tell me what you think.

Ciao, I hope to update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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