Chapter 1: Her POV

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It was 7am in the morning when I boarded the bus. I was late and I had no choice. This was the only way to reach school on time without wasting more money.

The bus was indeed packed. There were adults that were wearing suit attires and carrying their bags, going to work; the olders holding recycle bags, probably going to exercise or the market; young people wearing uniforms, going to school; and many other.

Arriving to another stop, more people came in. The space was extremely limited. Heaving a sigh, I reminded myself to never miss the previous round ever again.

Normally, I take the bus at 6:30am when it is still early. The bus would be full then, but not to the extent of not being able to breathe, like now. I wasn't able to sleep at night because i took a nap in the afternoon. So I woke up late and missed the bus.

3 more stops to go then I'm free. I mentally told myself.

Thank goodness the children in front were minding their own business instead of scrambling around since it was a little too packed. I could only see the people around me and not a single sight any further.

Everything was bearable until I felt someone's stare on me. I turned around and saw a man probably in his mid 20s staring at me with a slight smirk. The stare gave me goosebumps and I knew it screamed trouble.

I screamed at myself to not look at him, but I felt something creeping up my sides. My eyes instinctively glanced down and I saw the hand of the creepy man caressing me. Immediately, I looked around, trying to look for help, but it was useless when the bus was so packed to the extent that no one could even see each other properly.

My lips were quivering and my eyes were watering. I opened my mouth to ask for help but no words came out. Despite desperately wanting him away from me, I couldn't bear the stress of creating a scene. The man would deny anyway and no one could help me. It'll only get worse.

The hand was slowly creeping down to my thigh and into my skirt, but I only shut my eyes tight to prevent the tears from flowing. My whole body was trembling.

Suddenly, I no longer feel the hand on me.

"Babe, why are you so far away from me? Are you still angry at me?" A deep honey voice spoke behind me.

Taking a glance, I realized it was a student wearing the same uniform as me. I looked up and saw him, the school's superstar, Jung Jaehyun.

I was thankful of him for not shouting at the creepy man. Even though many people would scream at me for letting him go, even though many people would say this is the reason why those people are still outside and not in the jail, I just couldn't stand others looking at me pitifully after knowing I was harrassed.

Jaehyun stood behind me protectively, with his left arm stretched out to hold onto the handle that was next to me, right arm holding the strap of his bag.

I took a peek at him again and saw him in his earphones.

"Thank you Jaehyun-ssi..." I expressed my gratitude even though he might not hear me.

Jaehyun is definitely a superstar in our school. Mark, a very awkward at first meet but actually extremely friendly classmate of mine, had always told me how his best friend Jaehyun always treats him to food. Jaehyun is very generous as he always brings Mark out for food once he was told what he had been craving. He takes very good care of Mark since he is younger than him. He is very diligent and smart. You can definitely say that the whole school treasures him, even the bad boys have good terms with him. He is very lovable and just seeing his dimples brightens up everyone's lives.

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