Back to reality

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    Three months after the football season was over Cam had finally made a close to full recovery. He was sitting in the waiting room when his manager, Davis, walked in, "Cam, we need to talk about next season."
"Will I be able to play?"
Davis looked up and sighed,
"That's why I'm here, the NFL's injury committee is reviewing your medical reports and, it's not looking too good."
Cam's face turned pale.
"I can still play!"
"Cam, listen,"
"No! I have worked so hard to get to the NFL, I have trained for twenty-four hours strait, until my legs can no longer support my body to get to where I am, and now some minor injury is going to take that away from me!"
Cam's eyes started watering.
"I'm sorry Cam, but I cant deal with this right now, call me when you're ready to talk."
Davis stomped out of the doctors office. Leaving a confused, crying, Cam behind.

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