Chapter 5

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Ashton's P.O.V

I was currently sat in my room on my bed. I had Blink-182 blasting out of my speakers drowning out the rest of the world until someone knocked on my door,

"Hey Ash it's Luke. Are you ever going top come out of your bedroom? Yeah I know what Vanessa and Becca did to you,those bitches deserve to rot in hell, but you can't hide away forever, We miss you, we wan't you back. You haven't been to band practice or school in a week, you have hardly ate anything, and do you even go to the toilet? But back to the point, you need to come out."

I grunted and shouted back, "Oh yeah you know what happened?! No! You don't! Those bitches both broke my fucking heart, I was finally getting over what Vanessa did those 2 years ago then comes along Becca doing much worse and then finding out that Vanessa is her cousin! No one will ever understand! I just don't understand what I did to deserve this..." 

He sighed then said, "Well ill leave you to it. We met a really cool girl at school, she's so nice, funny pretty. I think you'll like her, as a friend obviously. See you later mate." I heard a couple of footsteps until they stopped and he spoke again, "Oh, and Ash? Just promise me a couple of things okay? Just don't forget that were here for you, we really need you, I really need you, Lauren and Harry really needs you and your Mum really needs you. Just don't forget that you have people that love you so much all around you. We miss you..." I once again heard footsteps until I heard the front door shut.

Did he really mean all of that? Did I mean that much to people? Of course not! No one has ever loved me and no one ever will. But Luke never lies to me... You know what, Fuck it. I'm going.

I ran over to my window to see Luke getting into the car with the guys. I opend the window and shouted for them, "Luke!!!," I screamed, his head snapping to words me with a smile spreading accross his face, "Wait for me! I'm coming with you guys!"

I ran into my wardrobe and grabbed my vans and a jacket, running out the door with my house keys in one hand and my phone in the other.

"Glad to have you back mate." Michael said patting my back.


(Still Ashton's P.O.V)

We finally made it into the cinema sitting in our seats at the back row. We were watching a new horror movie: The Purge.

"Hey Luke, who were you talking about earlier, you know when I was in my room?" I  asked.

"Oh yeah, shes called-"

"Hey! That's my seat!" Someone in front of me screeched.

I looked up and saw a girl. She had a strapless baby pink dress on that was a little shorter than her mid thigh, she had black shiny heels and a black purse.

She cocked her eyebrows at me crossing her arms over her chest, "Well...?"

"Errm this is my seat, Row Z seat 6." I reached up and shown her my ticket. She looked at it, furrowing her eyebrows before saying;

"But thats what mine says too..."

"Why don't we find another seat somewhere else?" Her friend next to her added. Where the fuck did she come from?

"Ummmm..." The girl mumbled looking around, "All the seats are full.." They both looked at eachother, then at me and then back at eachother.

"You know what, ill just sit on the step, It's not really any big deal." She said sitting down on the step.

"Well I feel rude now, Ill sit with you." I said standing up. At first she seemed abit hesitant before she nodded.

"Ashton what are you- Julia!?" Michael said from behind me.

"Michael! What are you doing here?!" She smiled giving him a hug.

"Wait, you know Ashton?" He asked her confused.

"Well no not really, he is sat in my seat." She smiled. 

"My seat." I grumbled quietly.

"Ereryone shush, the movie is about to start!" Luke skreached before sitting back down and we followed his lead.


Julia's P.O.V

Once the movie ended me and Amanda made our way back home. I dropped Amanda off at her house and said goodbye.

I was on the motorway singing Taylor Swift at the top of my lungsuntil a bright light shon in my face, I squinted my eyes and saw a huge truck coming towords me before everything went black...

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