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Ophelia's POV

Growing up in this south-western town of Finland, I've lately been feeling like I don't belong here. Not because I'm any different than any other citizen here, it's just that sometimes seeing so less of people silences my experience to live in the moment.

Passing through the dull cabins of this University can literally put anyone in a sullen state of mind. It's so fucking depressing here nowadays, the only fun we all get to hear about is how Jerry burned off his joystick while trying out candle sex.

I mean for Christ's sake, I am over everyone's humiliating bedroom stories. Including mine. I mean who the fuck has a fetish to lick armpits?  And if that person thought that I won't be sexually repelled by this, screw you.

Now that I'm here, in my class for Philosophy, I'd rather teach than tittle-tattle with myself.  Teaching is not something that I've been passionate about,  it's just that I got to earn that bread to cover my expenses. For all my colleagues who say that it helps them connect with the youth, thanks but please take your source of ridiculous entertainment to a different tea party. Spare the teachers conference room.

I like Philosophy though. It kind of gives me a platform to discuss about reality and existence. It's one place where I can freely talk about my opinions without people fault-finding my words. You want to know the fun part? I usually voice my opinions in the name of some dead person so that even if students doubt, it's a quote and not my comments in question.

Sick, isn't it?

Today is 1st Sept,2017.  It's the day to choose general elective subjects for a new batch. Today, students are welcome in classrooms to try out courses offered by different departments of education cell. Philosophy usually gets elected by twenty to thirty students.

I walk into Room 120 which is my designated classroom for the semester. The interior of this room is close to awful. The classroom has a medium sized podium for me to stand on. Pastel colored walls with usual diagrams, posters and motivational quotes live up the room. A white board hung on the wall behind the podium with a marker attached to one side of it. My view across the room holds rows that have worn out wooden desks with attached chairs, crammed together for students to settle down in full capacity.

The smell of this room is enough to make me feel nauseous. To be exact, it smells musty. I'm assuming that the staff didn't even bother to properly mop the floor. Before I mentally start to curse them, I should really choose the topic for today's discussion. It has to be something that arouses curiosity if I want these soon-to-be graduates to stick around.

Since I have a top-notch sense in making choices, I choose to keep today's class on discussing whether being in love changes people.

As I write down 'WELCOME' on the board, graduates start to enter and take their places. By the time, I turn out some of them have taken the first seats and others are still deciding where can they comfortably be seated. I don't want to start at the moment since I'm expecting there to be a little more number of students. I let out a sigh when I notice twenty people have taken seats. I look over to the new batch and pass a smile to those who're looking at me and not their phones.

Most of them look slighter tall and lanky while there's one girl who's pint-sized. Most girls here look well dressed with neat hairstyles.They're already taking out their notepads and scribbling something in it. I shift my eyes to the left side of the room to notice a bunch of guys sitting close by. I'm happy that none of the guys wore shorts for their first class even though some look frumpy wearing soccer shoes under trousers.

Giving them five more minutes to settle, I write down my name on the board.

"Good Morning to all. My name is Ophelia and I'll be teaching philosophy if you decide to finalize this subject as your core choice. I'm twenty-six years old. I would love to know all about you guys by discussing today's topic. To start of with something light, Let's begin by putting our heads together and discuss on the motion whether being in love changes a person in terms of their persona." I say in a moderate tone and smile to make myself look friendly.

"Whoever decides to speak up, I request you to kindly introduce yourself first and then express your views on the motion. Thank you." I further add to my vague speech.

"Hi, My name is Marv and I think that love does bring change in a person's life. From my personal experience, I've become less stubborn and more expressive. It's true that every relationship helps you grow in some sense, either in terms of improving your own self or to know if you're worth any better." He then sits down on his seat which is in the middle row, left column. He has a broad face structure with lifted cheekbones. His face is covered by his trimmed beard but nevertheless, he looks decent enough with his average sized nose and big eyes. Not to forget, he has a thick american accent. My all-time favorite one.

"Thank you Marv for sharing your views." I say, smiling. My views on this are polar opposite than his but I appreciate his opinion. He made a valid point on knowing someone's worth on which I agree at least.

Many present here, say about eleven expressed like-wise with just a slight edit of what Marv said. I glace at my watch as the the last girl who spoke took a seat back. She has her hair tied in a tight ponytail and scrubs her nose as I thank her for her views. I zoned out when she was telling her name.

It's getting quite monotonous now actually.

"With five more minutes left, whoever wants to speak last shall stand. Also, if any of you decide to choose philosophy, please let the administration staff know afterwards." I speak while stopping myself from yawning.

"Hello. I'm Falisha. I don't agree on the point that love changes anyone." says a tiny face with freckles, wearing glasses. She has uplifted cheekbones and curved jaws as I notice her more closely. She's sitting at the front desk right across my seat.

"My reason for saying so is because in my opinion becoming a better person is something that people do to make themselves feel more secure and happy. We all have changed for ourselves, not because it had to do something with whatever the significant other had to say or to do but because we ourselves felt the need to internalize it." said Falisha with a familiar accent. I'm guessing British.

I'm impressed by her though. She kind of spoke what I would've said on this topic. Maybe this class won't turn out to be as unimaginative as the previous one. I'm hoping that she has more in store other than being different in talks. I could really use a productive student for my progress report for this year.

"Class dismissed." said I, forgetting to dart my eyes away from Falisha. I notice how she put on the hood of her black jacket on and walked out in her skinny black jeans along with other students.




Also I'm sorry if I offend anyone, I don't intend to. it's just a character thing that i'm trying to build for Ophelia.




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