Hellcats: A World Full Of Strangers

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Based off the hit series Hellcats.


When you think you actually have school spirit you would have to meet a cheerleader. You would be surprised on how much spirit they can fix in their big heads. Ok ok, I probably shouldn't be bailing on what I am but, hey that's what I was thinking six months ago. I still don't know how I got where I am now but, don't ask any questions. I am just as surprised as you. If you would have told me six months ago that I would be here I sure as heck would not believe you!

Six months earlier...

"Whats up Dan."

I looked up to see my best friend sitting at a bench at a nearby park that we had been going to since we were in fourth grade. I turned and grabbed our matching coffee cups and placed one in his hand. I took a light sip and turned slightly.

"How was your day?" He turned stunned. It's like he didn't even know I even came up to him. He blinked a few times and mumbled something that I couldn't make out.

"Hey Martie. It was good." He sat awkwardly for a minute staring at something in the distance. I snapped my fingers getting a bit impatient.

"Woah what's up with you today?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes. "Your killing me Dan Patt." He chuckled then pointed straight ahead. "Just entertaining myself with these cheerleaders."

I turned following his hand. I looked over. Of course the cheerleaders were here. Why wasn't I surprised. They had their mats set out with crowds gathering around to see their little skirts fly in the air. Most the people that were their watching were all guys. I couldn't believe how disgusting boys could be. They were all drooling over the girls. I turned back to Dan and hit him in the head.

"Whats the matter with you?!" I said in a low yell whisper.

He instantly responded by grabbing his head.

"What?!" I rolled my eyes.

"What do you mean what? Why are you staring at the girls? I mean come on they just think they can come over and destroy everyones peace at a public park. Besides their all skanky and total wannabes." He looked at me strangely.

"Im a dude of course I find that attractive." I looked at him bawfled.

I couldn't believe after such a long speech he just answers with Im a dude! I turned back to see the girls dancing and smiling and winking at other guys. I couldn't believe how they could live with themselves like that. They just run around and try to show off their ''stuff". I got up and began walking towards them. Dan began saying something but, I didn't listen. I went up to the cheeriest girl. She was gorgeous. She had brown hair with brown eyes to match. She was very happy and totally into the whole cheer thing. She smiled at me as I came closer and closer. As soon as she saw the look on my face her smile began to fade.

"Who do you think you are?!" I yelled probably more loud then I wanted it to be.

She turned to be totally confused. I couldn't believe how dumb these girls could be.

"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow totally calm.

I looked around and saw that the rest of the girls were gathering around us and the crowd was watching close. Very close.

"Look just because you guys are cheerleaders doesn't mean you rule the whole world. You can't just come and away peoples peace and quiet at a public place." I didn't know that I could feel so much better just by stating my opinion. I looked over to see a other girl from the squad trying to charge after me. I couldn't help myself but giggle. I looked up at the girl I was originally trying to talk to and she was just staring at me. Then all of a sudden the girl who was trying to head towards me began getting closer.

"Want me to punch her for ya Savannah!" She said grinding her teeth.

I smiled. Hey im sorry but, I just couldn't help it. If your a cheerleader reading this you may hate me right now but, I will just say I wasn't originally a cheerleader at heart. The girl who appeared to be Savannah finally broke the silence.

"Your right. We did interfer with city and I apologize. We will be leaving right away. Im sorry for interuppting your peaceful day." She then nodded to me then to the whole crowd and walked off. I was so stunned. She took it so well. I wondered if I actually made her upset at all. I began walking back smiling. Had I really won?

"Were not finished!" A voice that I didn't recognize yelled towards me. I turned back. I didn't think I won...yet.


She smiled. It was the girl that tried to attack me.

"You heard me. Maybe Savannah is done but, I sure as heck am not!" She smiled a evil smile.

Her teammates began gathering around her. Savannah was still abit sad and turned to see what the whole commotion was all about.

"Just stop it Alice. Obviously some people don't enjoy our happiness." She tried to fake smile but, I could see right through it.

This was a really cheesy day. This Savannah girl was a terrible actress and this Alice girl was a total wannabe. I felt so displaced. The next thing I knew my alarm clock errupted.

Chapter 2:

I looked over at pressed the snooze button. Had that really been all a dream? I rubbed my eyes and turned to the clock that had interuppted my sleep. It read 5:45a.m. I sighed then shoved my sheets over my face. I hated school so much. I was so glad that this was my last and final year then I could be free! I couldn't believe it was my first day of senior year. I quickly jumped up and ran downstairs. I opened my fridge and squinted hard not used to the light. I scanned the fridge and of course there was nothing to eat. My mom had been way busy with her job downtown and hadn't gone out grocery shopping in almost two weeks. I decided to make a smoothie. I grabbed some milk and some strawberries that were going to go bad pretty soon. I then opened one of my cabinents searching for my blender. Where had my mom put it? I lived with my mom. Just me and her. No dad or sibilings. Many people say im just like her. I sorta agree except were both from different universes. We both have matching hair and eyes. I love my mom I really do. She is actually my best friend but, she usually has her moments. I then began blending my wannabe breakfast. I then popped off the lid and poured my smoothie in my cup. I ran upstairs and unplugged my cell from my charger. I turned it on and it began making the little tune when you turn on your phone. I sat for about ten minutes waiting to see my text messages but, I didn't get one. Ok I will admit im not very outgoing. I don't talk much. I never talk to girls I really only talk to Dan and my mom. I haven't dated anyone my whole life. Well, I tried it last year with Jake Parker but, I didn't work. I ended up throwing up on him. I quickly finished my smoothie then opened my closet doors. What to wear what to wear? I knew it was the first day and your supposed to get all gussied up but, im not into that kind of stuff. I don't understand why we have to be all preppy if it's just like any other day. I quickly grabbed a pair of my favorite denim jeans and a plaid button up shirt. I think I was pretty safe considering it was the first day. I went into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth. I looked at my reflection where I saw my frizzy blonde hair staring back at me. My hair was naturally curly. Way curly! My whole childhood I have been fun of it. People would always tell me that I need to buy a straightner. It didn't bother me cause I finally learned to accept it. I quickly opened my drawers and began searching for my makeup bag. Usually I didn't wear much make-up but, since this was my senior year I decided to take a chance. I grabbed my absolute favorite liquid eyeliner and smudged it across my eyelid. I then grabbed my mascara and stroked my eyelashes a few time. Perfect. I looked at my reflection and gave myself a strange look. Well not quite perfect. I wasn't a girlie girl nor goth I was just... well, plain. My mom had been trying to get me to be all cute with beautiful makeup and the whole Hollister everything but, I wasn't in to it. I tried it a few time and I just felt weird. It seemed like I was trying too hard to be something im not. I then shut off the light and went into my room. I plopped on my bed and pushed a strand of hair out of my face. I glanced over at the clock that read 6:07a.m. I was already ready

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