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I never held any doubt regarding Nisha's abilities, even if she did. I knew that she could be amazing. She didn't have a mother guiding her in this life; she didn't think she could be something that she's never seen firsthand. Silas had done a great job raising Nisha and Alaric, but there was definitely something missing.

In the time that has passed, a lot has happened. We married, something that I didn't think Nisha would agree to when I asked her. It was surprising that she said yes, I was bracing myself for the worst. It was a great day, made better by the fact that Otanawa walked down the aisle with the other children. Nisha looked gorgeous, but I was biased. I thought she looked gorgeous all the time.

The royal properties were limited to the one house, but I wanted a little independence and of course, giving Alaric and Emmeline the ability to adjust to their new lives. They were still living in that state of perpetual bliss; their tense moments were dwindling. Life was getting better, and I was happy for them so, I suggested that we give them space.

Nisha lapped up the idea, eager to push forward in our new life. Her confidence with Otanawa was growing, she no longer doubted herself. So, we acquired the property next door, extended the patrolled fence line and removed the one that divided the two properties. After a few minor renovations, we had a great place.

Today was a rather grand day. It was Otanawa's first birthday. The doctor had to guess it, based on Nava's growth. We couldn't rely on the belief that the creatures were seasonal breeders, reports have been flowing in to suggest that they bred whenever their bodies were ready.

She's grown well. Every time I look at her, I see her mother. It breaks my heart, but I'm glad that she trusted me to care for her child. I hope that she'd be happy with how Otanawa has turned out. She's a cheeky little thing, so bubbly and happy.

Hearing slow footsteps, I turned and watched as the birthday girl made her way down the stairs. Nisha held one hand, the other gripping the poles. Otanawa was fiercely determined to do everything for herself. I liked her independence and confidence, but in moments like these, it made me extremely unsettled. Nisha watched her, and I knew that Otanawa was safe, but I was protective of her. Perhaps overprotective.

"There's daddy." Nisha cooed.

Otanawa grinned, looking up at me.

"Dress!" She said loudly, stepping down to the floor. "I's my dress daddy."

I chuckled, squatting in front of her as she pulled the skirt out.

"It's very pretty. Did you pick it out?"

She nodded, appearing to be very proud of herself. If she took after Nisha then she'd always look perfect. Stylish and elegant, they were two gorgeous girls. Otanawa's long black hair had been pulled into pigtails, trailing down over the pink dress.

As she turned and tried to swish the dress, Otanawa thumped to the ground. She giggled, looking up at me with pure amusement. I smiled, helping her back to her feet.

"Are you ready for presents, maybe a big cake?"

Her arms wrapped around my neck, lifting her up, I stood and looked at Nisha.

"Everything okay?"

She nodded, giving me a vague smile.

"Come on; our baby's turning one."

Nisha had been extremely excited about today. She's planned a big dinner and cake. Even though we didn't really consume food, we were doing it tonight. Everyone would be joining us soon; it was just a matter of waiting for the sun to set sufficiently to make it across the lawn.

Command My Heart ~ Book 2 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now