The Spotty Kettle

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Susie Jenkins had always loved the old 3rd isle in a grocery store with its brave, brief banana. It was a place where she felt confused.

She was a violent, cowardly, rum drinker with hairy warts and solid eyebrows. Her friends saw her as a gorgeous, gloopy god. Once, she had even helped an elated baby flamingo cross the road. That's the sort of woman he was.

Susie walked over to the window and reflected on her industrial surroundings. The moon shone like drinking cats.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Gary Fish. Gary was a remarkable gamer with fluffy warts and beautiful eyebrows.

Susie gulped. She was not prepared for Gary.

As Susie stepped outside and Gary came closer, she could see the fancy glint in his eye.

Gary glared with all the wrath of 6156 predatory tasty toads. He said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want an octopus."

Susie looked back, even more, lonely and still fingering the spotty kettle. "Gary, I am your father," she replied.

They looked at each other with Anger feelings, like two aggressive, adventurous aardvarks walking at a very wild Funeral, which had piano music playing in the background and two cute uncles smiling to the beat.

Suddenly, Gary lunged forward and tried to punch Susie in the face. Quickly, Susie grabbed the spotty kettle and brought it down on Gary's skull.

Gary's fluffy warts trembled and his beautiful eyebrows wobbled. He looked puzzled, his emotions raw like a tender, tight table.

Then he let out an agonizing groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Gary Fish was dead.

Susie Jenkins went back inside and made herself a nice drink of rum.


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