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        *Bell Ringing*

        “Klyed let’s go.” Tyler called me.

        “Dude I have something do deal with first. Can you wait me at the football field?” I insist to go with him.

        “Don’t tell me it has a connect to the girl beside you?” he asked

        “Yes it has to do with her.’ I confirmed.

        “Do you like her?” he asked.

        “Oh, no!” I insist. “She ask me to have a lunch. She said she wanted to see something.” I added.

        “Ok.” He said.

        I thought he’d insist. Huh that’s different.’ I said to myself.

        “Tyler! Kyle! There you are!” Mykey made his entrance.

        “Oh Mykey your absent the whole morning session.” I said

        “I was at the computer laboratory.” He answered

        “And what the hell are you doing there?” Tyler asked. “I looked everywhere just to find you this morning but I can’t but instead I found Klyde.” He added

        “Never mind that one but thanks for looking for me. Hey look at these.” Mykey said while giving his researched paper. “These are the team that we need to deal with; the Lions from Lyncoline High School and the Eagles of the University of the East High School. The others aren’t a problem, we can beat them easily.” He added.

        “Nice work dude.” Said Tyler. “Ok Klyde we’ll see you later at the field. Just don’t forget to be there on time or you’ll regret it.” Tyler added with a warning as they walk away.

        I carried my bag and went out of the classroom.

        “Hey, Mr. Sebastian are you with Tyler?” she said.

        “Oh yes he’s our team captain in football and will please stop calling me ‘Mr. Sebastian’ you can call me Klyde or Kyle.” I suggested.

        “Why? Don’t you want your last name? What happened?” she asked

        “Nothing. I just don’t want.” I answered

        “Ok. Kyle” she said. “So let’s go?” she added

        “Yup but we have a practice after lunch 1 so we need not to waste time.” I reminded her.

        “Then what are you waiting for?” she said with a smile then grabbed my hands pulling me to the school canteen.

        “Hey… Hey…” I’m begging her to stop but she didn’t until we rich the canteen.

        “You wait here while I’ll get our food. What do you want?” she said”

        “Oh no way I can’t let a girl carry my lunch. Let’s both carry our food.” I insist

        “Ok sure.” She agreed.

        She give me a maroon tray. “1 for me and 1 for you.” She said. We join the line to get our food. After getting our lunch, we took a seat in a table reserved for two, maybe for us.

        “We forgot our spoons and forks.” She said

        “I got it.” I said and stand to get spoons and forks.

        “Here.” I said as I give her the spoon and fork.

        “Thanks.” She said with a smile.

        I start eating and trying to ignore her.

        “Oh, what do you want me so see?” I remembered.

        “Thought you wouldn’t asked.” She said as she get her bag to find something.

        “Where is it? Where are you? Oh where did I putted it?” she is trying harder to remember where she put it.

        “Aha!” She remembered. She put her attention to her pocket. 

        “Here.” She said while showing me the thing he wanted me to see.

         I was shocked to see the thing she is hanging in front of my eyes.

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