chapter 3

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Denny's POV

Izzy just went back to work and I am by my self agian. I hate hospital's but when I am with Izzy I forget about all that. She is fun to be with and even though I havent known her that long and she is my doctor I cant help but have feeling's for her. She is funny and has a big heart.

Even though she is not technically supposed to have a personal relationship with me and is taking a pretty big risk coming to see me when she is not working I greatly enjoy our time together and I think she dose too. Why else would she take such a big risk coming to see me?.

Hello Denny, Doctor burke say's as he walks into the room, how are you feeling? He asks
About the same Doc I still have a lot of tightness in my chest and shortness of breath.
Ok, let's take a listen he says as he pulls out his stephiscope and examines me.
Well, Denny there are no major changes from yesterday. I know this is tough but hopefully we can find you a new heart soon, he says as he finishes his exam.
Thank's Doc, I said
No problem, Denny hang in there, ok?.
Sure thing Doc I said as he headed out of the room.

Not having any family members that come to visit it gets very lonely here by my self.


Izzy's POV

It is 3:00 PM and my lunch break has been over for about 2 hours now. I work until 730 this evening.

After work I am going to go spend some more time with Denny, my favorite patient. 

Izzy, do you want to hang out tonight? Alex asked
With you? No way I replied
Why not, do you have plans or somthing?
As a matter of fact I do I said quite annoyed that Alex would even ask me to go out with him especially after he cheated on me.
Let me guess it's with that patient Denny isent it?
Even if it was I wouldn't tell you....its none of you business Alex, I said as I walked away.

Finally, work is over....what a day it's been.
It has been quite a crazy day meredeth replied.
Agreed, George said sitting on the bench in the change room.
Are you coming home with us Izzy?
No, I'll take a cab home later I replied
Ok than, meredeth smirked and grabbed her stuff.
You ready George?
Yep let's get out of here he replied.
See you guys later I said as they walked out of the room.

I grabbed my stuff to head over to spend a little bit of time with Denny before I head home.


Denny's POV

Suddenly, I felt my chest tighten and I was struggling to breathe. I panicked as I pressed the call button unsure of what had gone wrong.

Is it the Lvad? The machine that is keeping my heart pumping? What has gone wrong?.  The door to my room opend as the nurse rushed in. What is going on Denny? She ask's quickly realizing I cant breathe.

She grabbed the Oxegon mask and put it on my face.
Hang on Denny, we are getting your Doctors right now, ok? Just hang on take deep slow breaths. Just try to breathe. As she says that I hear Doctor burke enter the room. Him and another doctor I believe her name is Doctor Yang.
I could hear Doctor Burke ask the nurse what happend. As she told him they pushed a seditive through my IV line.
Denny we are going to give you some sedation to help you relax, Ok? Doctor Burke said as I felt a warm sensation go through my IV that made me feel very sleepy.

Izzy's POV

Doctor Burke what's going on I ask frantickly as I see Burke and Christina trying to stabilise Denny.

Izzy what are you doing here!? Burk ask's your shift is over and you should be going home!.
I was just coming to say goodnight to Denny and make sure he is ok.
What happend?.
His heart is giving out Izzy, christina say's
Yes Christina is right his heart is working a lot harder than it should to pump Burke explains.
The Lvad isent working anymore? I ask
No not properly, I have given him a seditive to help even out his breathing but he needs a new heart and soon.
It looks like the seditave is helping to even out his breathing. Burke says.
I am going to see what I can do to get him moved up on the transplant list.

Doctor Burke, is it ok if I stay with him for a little while? I ask
You should be going home Burke says in a stern voice.
Doctor Burke Denny dosent have anyone to be with him through this he shouldn't be alone. 
Yes, I suppose you are right he should not be alone through this. Ok fine, Steven's you can stay with him for now.
Thank you doctor Burke I say with a slight smile as him and christina leave the room.
I pulled the chair next to Denny's bed and held onto his hand, his breathing still not regular at this moment is when I realised that I dont just like Denny but I love him.


Authors note

I hope you guys are enjoying the story I apolagise if it isent the greatest as this is my first time doing this.

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