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I stepped out of my apartment complex still surprised that Natsu and Happy never showed up in my room as per usual. I shrugged it off thinking they learned some manners to not break in entry. Although everything else was the same. The same guys sailed passed me reminding me not to fall into the water, and I reassured them I wouldn't. It was a warm day, but not to hot. I began to ponder about what job Natsu, Happy, and I should take. "Oh! Maybe we could do a bounty hunt, I heard those paid millions!" I really needed anything to pay my rent.

I finally got to the guild hall, it was getting a bit more heated outside so I swiftly stepped in to get some shade. I walked into the hall greeting everyone cheerfully. But to no response. I looked up to see all these blank stares. "U-uh okay?" I walked over to the bar table feeling all the eyes staring at me and hearing some mumbling. I pulled up a chair to the bar table where Mirajane stood. "Hey Mira, do you know what's going on, everyone's giving me odd looks?" I looked up to Mira to find that she to had a blank stare towards me. The silence in the guild was getting a bit embarrassing. "This must've been one of Natsu's pranks." I thought.

I looked to my left seeing Natsu and Happy scanning over the board for a good job. Feeling relieved, I slid off my chair and stepped over to the pink haired fire wizard and the flying blue cat. "Hey guys! Need any help finding a job?" I said standing beside Natsu. But.... they both looked towards me with the same blanked stares. But, Natsu looked more angry than blank. "Okay what is going on here?! I've been getting blanked stares the minute I got in here!" I yelled out annoyed. There was still no responses to any of my guild mates. "Oh I get it, hahahaha! Okay you all can stop now!" I said again fake laughing. "Could you do us a favor Lucy and shut up?" Natsu blankly. "Excuse me?" I asked surprised at this sudden change. "What did I just say Lucy?! None of us wants you here!" Natsu yelled turning away from the board looking directly at me.

 "N-Natsu what are you saying? If this is a joke it isn't funny." I said frozen in place. "Do you look like I'm joking?" Natsu responding sternly. "Do us all a favor and leave the guild, no one wants you here." Natsu answered turning his back towards me in disgust. Everything went blurry and fuzzy. I stood there stupidly and felt tears run down my face. "Aw look! She is actually crying, how pathetic!" I heard Lisanna saying mercilessly laughing. Everyone in the guild joined in laughing at my pain. I stood there shaking now letting my tears fall freely. "What happened to all of you!? This can't be real!" "It is as real as it is, now get out." I heard the old voice of Master say. I looked down at the old feeble man. I couldn't take it. I gulped and ran out of the guild still in tears hearing all the mocking behind me. I couldn't believe it, none of this seemed right. The guild I was so desperate to get into, is now turning their backs on me.

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