Hurt | Lena L.

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It hurts when someone you love, not love you the way you love them.

It hurts even more when they act that they don't know you.

It hurts so bad.

You walked into the cafe, the scent filling in. You remembered when you and Lena used to go here.

She always ordered her black coffee, and you ordered yours. You two used to be inseperable.

Keyword, used to be.

It just happens. People change, and it's either a positive or a negative. Sometimes you wish you had another chance with her, as a best friend once again.

But you can't.

And if you can't, you will never reach the goal by calling her yours.

You two took more time apart and doing things on your own, made less calls and she's far too busy, now that she owns two of the most largest companies in the city.

You would never want to disturb her just with your selfish needs. It's just wasn't you.

You went over to the counter and ordered a good old F/D. The cashier smiled and nodded as he went back to make your drink.

Once that was done, he came back and gave you your drink. "That'll be 2.99, sir." He said, you grabbed your wallet and took some money out and gave it to him.

You muttered a small 'thank you' and exit the cafe right away, going towards the fountain in the park a couple of blocks away.

You look around your surroundings and realize how long it has been since you took a walk from all the shit that had happened the past 2 months.

You sat on a bench and took your phone out of your pocket. Casually scrolling through your sister's instagram, she works at a Pet Adoption Center.

Pictures of cats, dogs, and other soft and fluffy animals were seen, they were all so adorable and so magnefi—

"Y/N?" A familiar voice called out, you look up and saw the one and only Lena Luthor.

"Lena, hello. How are you?" You asked casually, taking a sip of your coffee as you put your phone down on your lap.

She was wearing a black coat and a scarf. You couldn't blame her, it's pretty chilly outside.

"I'm doing great. You?" She asks as she sits down beside you.

"Doing decent, my experiments have been very successful so far. Teleportation is a few steps away from reaching the public." You said, with a smile on your face, "You didn't tell me?" she asks with obvious hurt on her face.

"I didn't want to bother you, you own like. . . 2 companies now? That's a lot." You said,

"It would've been better if you could've at least invited me to your apartment, you know."

"I'm always busy, you know that with all the engineering." I said, as I put my phone down. Taking another sip of coffee.

She raised her eyebrows with this expression on her face that said 'Really?'

"Well, maybe I binge on Netflix a lot and steal popcorn from my family when I visit them?" I said with an awkward smile.

She laughs, and looks at me.

"That's a sin, Y/N."

"Well, I mean. . ." I thought about it for a minute, before talking again. "It is." I said, with a small smile on my face.

"Maybe I could invite you to Movie Night with Jack, he has a huge collection of classy movies." Lena said.

"Who's Jack?"

"Oh yeah, He's my boyfriend, dating for a couple of months now." She said, smiling to that thought.

Your smile turned into a frown, but quickly turned back into a smile.

"S-sure, I mean. 80% of the time I won't come, but. . If you're lucky, I might come."

"That's enough for me." she said,

A black car quickly came up and pulled over. The windows were down and revealed a guy that looks like somewhat a foreigner. He looked over to us and smiled.

"That's him, sorry Y/N. I wish we could talk more, promise me a movie night?" She said, as she rises up from her seat, leaving the spot cold.

"Of course." I said with a sad smile.

She smiles and goes over to the car and went in. The car drove off, making you stare until it's not in view anymore.

You were hurt.

But if it's Lena. You'd do anything for her. Hurt or not.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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