Asking You Out-

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-You like Richie everybody knew that..and likes you back but who will make a move?-

*Richie pov*

She hugged me and thanked me for walking her home everyday "i will do it everyday if i had to" i smiled hard she blushed "umm my mom is taking me to this lame dinner party" she said kicking a rock i looked way then back at her

"can i go?" i asked she smiled and nod a yes "i will have to asked my mom" i feel my cheek warm up "so its like a date?" i say re-adjusting my glasses she just giggled "if we are dating..and we are not" she say booping my nose.

her door opened showing her mother "(Y/N/N) when are you coming in?" she asked before looking at me "Richie thank you for taking her home everyday" she smiles sweetly i nod a yes.

"Mom can Richie come to dinner with us?" she asked cutting off her mom "yes..its at 8 Richie be ready" she go back in. im just smiling like a dumb ass

"welp trash mouth see you then" i lean in to kiss her but she turned her head making me kiss her cheek "aging Richie we are not dating" she giggled and and blow me a air kiss and went inside..

i went home with a big ass smile on my face

Skip time to the dinner

Me and (Y/N) sat next to each other

i feel her hold my hand i whisper in her ear "are you okay?" she look up at me and nod a no i say really low "you

want to talk about it?" she nods a yes as she looks up "umm can me and Richie be excused?" she asked getting up

and walking out the room i just follow her as soon as we get outside "ar-" i feel her lips on mines and i put my arms

around her slowly as she pull away "date me?" she asked blushing hard "ya-a i will"

that was the beSSSTT dinner ever!!!!

-i love this one cuZ i love asking peolpe ouT and geting a "naH" :' )


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