Titan Bio

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(F/N): first name
(L/N): last name
(Y/N): your name
(A/N): author note

Real Name: Bravo-Tango-Seven-Two-Seven-Four

Real Name: Bravo-Tango-Seven-Two-Seven-Four

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Alias: BT7274, BT

Class: Vanguard

Linked To: (F/n) (L/n)

Weight: 40 Ton (what a fat boy 😂)

Height: About 28 ft (i think if anyone knows how tall is he let me know)

Eye color: Blue


The X016A2 ChainGun

The X016A2 ChainGun

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The Broad Sowrd

(if you played the game you notice bt when he's not fighting he but his weapon on his left side soooo imagine he has the sowrd on his right side)

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(if you played the game you notice bt when he's not fighting he but his weapon on his left side soooo imagine he has the sowrd on his right side)

The Hidden Blade (i saw it and i was like ehhh lets add it)

Tactical Abilities(you have all the abilities but you mainly use)

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Tactical Abilities
(you have all the abilities but you mainly use)

Offensive:Multi Target Missile System

Defensive: Vortex Shield

Utility:Electric Smoke

(you mainly use)
Burst core
sword core
Upgrade core

And when you talk if bt is not with you he can communicate through your helmet imagine this on your helmets hud

And when you talk if bt is not with you he can communicate through your helmet imagine this on your helmets hud

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done wow that was not bad to be true the next chapter is the begging of our adventure welp if you guyz like it tell me i like to see your comments and i will try to reply to them hoky

Rwby X male pilot readerWhere stories live. Discover now