The Kiss

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It was the day I was dreading. Not because it was bad or anything, I'd been wanting to do this for months. It was because it would ruin our friendship. 

This was the day Troye and I were going to kiss onstage. 

Now, let me get this straight. I had been running a campaign to raise money for an organization called The Trevor Project. We were doing a livestream, Troye and I, and we were trying to figure out ways to get people to donate. Absolutely everyone on Twitter was saying we should kiss, and Troye read one tweet aloud. Even though we said we'd never do it, we agreed to kissing each other if they raised half a million dollars. We never thought they'd do it, but my people are incredible, and somehow they did. So, that day, at Digifest, on May 4th, 2014, Troye and I were going to kiss. Onstage. In front of thousands of people. Needless to say, I was more than a little nervous.

That morning, I took forever to get ready. If I was going to kiss my crush of 6 months, I needed to look, smell, and, well, taste good. I spent eons choosing an outfit and decades making my quiff just right, along with brushing my teeth a kajillion times, and applying just the right amount of cologne in just the right places. By the end of it, Troye was knocking on my hotel room door and calling my name for about 10 minutes straight. "Coming, coming, hold on a sec!" I called back. I grabbed a coat and popped 3 pieces of spearmint Stride into my mouth. I took a breath before grabbing the knob and throwing open the door.

"Hi." Troye said, grinning.

"Hi." I replied. We stared at each other for a second. His eyes were so blue. They were mesmerizing.

"We should... go." Troye said, and I shook myself out of my trance.

We hopped into a cab and sat in a sort of awkward silence. We couldn't really figure out how to talk to each other, considering what we would be doing in a little under an hour. Our hotel wasn't very far away from the venue of Digifest, so after about a fifteen minute cab ride, I reached for my wallet to pay the driver. As I reached forward to hand the guy a 20 dollar bill, Troye's hand bumped mine as he tried to pay the driver as well. Troye gave me a look. "No, I've got it." I said, reaching past him.

"No, I've got it." Troye argued, pushing my hand back. I rolled my eyes at him. As annoying as he was sometimes, he was a gentleman. I put my money back in my wallet and, as we exited the cab, I took a deep breath and tried not to think about the day ahead.

We weren't onstage until later, so Troye and I hung around backstage and watched other Youtubers perform and interact with the audience. When the time came for us to go on, Troye put a hand on my shoulder to get my attention and looked me in the eye. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah, I think so. It's for my people, anyway." I smiled, and he smiled back.

We heard Korey introducing us, and my stomach went into knots. "You ready?" I asked Troye.

"Yeah." he said, looking ahead, instead of at me.

It started off okay. We avoided the topic until the end, talking about how much we liked London, my mom, how much Troye's parents ship us, and other things the crowd wanted to know. Near the end, though, Korey signalled to us with his eyes we had to to the thing.

I sighed inwardly. Oh god.

Troye began explaining what we were going to do and why, and the screams of the audience grew louder. "And so, without further ado..." He paused and leaned forward, whispering in my ear.

"I'm not gonna fake it, okay? I was considering it, but we made your fans a promise."

Oh god, it really is happening, I thought.

"One." Troye announced. My palms started to sweat.

"Two." My breathing sped up.

"Three!" I looked at him. He was grinning. Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl. Suddenly I was aware of everything. My shiny forehead, the hangnail on my left pinky, the itch on the back of my neck. But then that all disappeared when I saw his elated expression. He leaned forward and I shut my eyes in anticipation. He placed his hand on the side of my face and pulled me closer, connecting our lips. The world around us suddenly vanished. I could no longer hear the deafening screams of the crowd, feel the heat of the lights. I instinctively reached my hand towards him to get closer to him, but I remembered we were onstage and grabbed my sleeve instead. I'm sure it only lasted a few seconds, but the kiss felt like an eternity and I never wanted it to end. But he pulled away, and he was grinning like a maniac and so was I. He stood up from his barstool and shouted , "Byeeeeee!" into his microphone. He placed his down in front of him, waved, and ran offstage. I got up, touching my lips incredulously, and put down my mic beside Troye's. I briskly walked into the wings. I could feel my face burning.

Troye was waiting for me backstage, leaning against a wall. How were we going to talk normally again? I needed to say something. "Hi." he said, smirking once I had walked up to him.

"We need to talk." I said bluntly, grabbing him by the elbow and pulling him into one of the nearby empty dressing rooms.

"What's up?" he asked once I had closed the door. But the grin on his face was so smug, I had to ask him something first.

"First of all, why are you smiling like that?" I demanded.

"Like what?" He raised his eyebrows innocently.

"You know. You're acting like you won something." I fake-glared at him.

"I never get to make you squirm. You always do that to me, but this time it was my turn." he replied triumphantly.

"Oh?" I asked, getting a little annoyed.

"It was fun." He beamed cheekily. I was silent for a second while I stared at him. He stared back. 

"Troye, I like you." I said straightforwardly. He seemed a little taken aback. He took a step towards me. And another. And another. I backed up until I was against the wall, and his body was pressed against mine. He tipped up my chin and looked me in the eye. Then he kissed me. Hard. Not like we had onstage, where it was soft and tender and sweet. No. This time, it was passionate and rough. His hands grabbed my neck and I put mine around his waist, pulling him closer. He grinded his hips against mine, and I could feel his hipbones protruding into my stomach. His lips pulled away suddenly, but he rested his forehead against mine. "I like you too, Tyler." he said huskily. "Or was I not obvious enough?"

"Mmm, I don't think you were." I said, bringing his lips to mine again.

Making out in a dressing room was fun, but cuddling in bed at my hotel room and watching trashy reality TV was a close second. We half-payed attention to the show that was playing, while giving each other lazy kisses and asking each other questions. "How long have you liked me?" he asked me.

"Around 6 months." I replied. "How long have you liked me?"

"Since the beginning." he said confidently. "As soon as I saw you, I was head over heels!" He brought a hand to his forehead in a pretend swoon.

"Shut up!" I said, giggling. He grinned and laughed harder. I studied his face. His eyes, his lips, his eyebrows, his cupids bow, his nose. Everything about it screamed perfection. He noticed me watching him.

"What?" He said, cocking his head. God, he was so cute. I kissed him softly.

"You're gorgeous, you know that?" I muttered against his lips.

"Aren't I?" he said.

"Really, you are." I told him, pulling away and looking into his eyes. He blushed and hid his face in my neck. I finger-combed his hair. Everything felt right. How exactly had I landed such a perfect man? I'm not too sure myself. 

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