Lillies (New Beginnings)

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"Send me your location, let's talk about communicating 'cause I just need the, time and place to come through~"

Mark sang to himself as he shuffled different shaped vases onto their assigned shelves.

He sighed afterwards, standing back and admiring his work.

"That's gonna have to do for now..." He sighs, spectating the rest of his store.

He spots a boy with short and light bouncy hair.

The boy looked about his age, but the thing Mark noticed was that he looked a bit worried while looking at the different flower types.

"Excuse me sir, do you need any help?" He pipes up, watching the boy turn to his voice.

"Oh? Me?" He looks around.

"Do I need help?" He points at himself.

Mark nods, stifling his laughter at the boy's loud voice and cluelessness.

"Shhhh!" Mark chuckles softly, watching him step closer.

"Hello sir." He bows respectively.

"Hello. I was wondering if you could help me out?"

He asks, observing the employee at the counter.

"Of course sir." Mark answers, fixing his hair.

"Well you see, my girlfriend loves flowers, but she likes one species in specific." The boy explains.

"Mhm. And that would be?"

Mark jotts down the things that the boy says.

"Lillies, Lillian loves Lillies."

He smiles proudly, thinking of his girlfriend.

"We carry lillies. That's no problem."

Mark hops over the short counter and has the boy follow him.

"What kind of Lillies does she like? We've got Tiger Lillies, red Lillies, purple Lillies..." Mark lists, watching the boy run ahead of him.

"These ones!" He pointed, jumping to show them off.

Mark chuckled at the boy again, watching him struggle.

Mark stepped closer, bringing his arms out to grab the pot.

"Don't you want these ones instead?"

Mark licks his lips, feeling nervous about dropping the bouquet.

"You know, since they're SHORTER and all." He laughs, watching the boy grow a smile.

"Haha. Very funny jackass."

The boy laughs, following Mark back to the counter.

"And you're sure you don't want two pots?"

He offers, calculating the price.

"No, she'll only want one of them since she's only 1% angry."

Mark finishes printing the receipt, giving the boy a confused look.

"She's only a littttle bit angry."
He explains, scratching his neck, feeling embarrassed.

"I seeeeeee- welp, here's your flowers, take a free pin and tell your friends to- Oh, so you found our complaint papers...well...take your time..."

He bows, watching the boy write something down on the paper.

The boy nods, grabbing his order and leaving the store.

As soon as the boy leaves, Mark slides the paper closer to himself, reading it aloud.

"Complaint for owner, Your front desk employee Mark
didn't ask me for my name."

Mark chuckles, crumpling the paper and tossing it in the trash can by his desk.


| Shortcake | MarkHyuck | 16+ |Where stories live. Discover now