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It's been done again..
another person..
another name..
added to this tragic list of assholes..

Jeremy.. I thought you were better...
Although I begged you to stop, you kept persistent in your advances towards me.
It is one thing to joke sexually..
It is one thing to give me a random hug..
randomly say you love and appreciate me..
jokingly call me "babe" "sweetheart" "sweetie"

But it is a complete other to keep going on after I've told you to stop..
After I told you not to touch me unless I consented..
Is that too hard?

"Oh, I was raised this way" isn't a proper excuse..
Nothing is a proper excuse for sexual harassment..
I believed that you didn't do what they accused of you during the play season...
But now..
I'm not sure..

I apologize... pre-apologize..
I am going up to my counselor, my dean, the vice-principal, one of our band directors..
I am going to say something, because this isn't ok, nor is justified by how you were "raised"
I can garante that your father is a f***ing c*nt, however, you should know how to act with girls..

Maybe I just need to "get my head on straight" like you said..
Maybe I should've just not believed a word you said and punched you hard enough to break something...
Maybe I wouldn't be here...

Please, thank your father..
He is an absolute c*nt and truly deserves hell after he forced and bribed me to date you, although I wasn't near ready for a relationship again..
Also, he created you.. An ABSOLUTELY PREROGATIVE , UNCTUOUS, A**HAT...
do everyone a favor and leave all females alone..
there is a fine line between chivalry and sexual harassment- FIND IT AND STICK IT UP YOUR A**.

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