Chapter 1: Mornings Suck

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Virgil's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my roommates making a ruckus. I was up late last night so I was pissed they were being so noisy but I didn't say anything when I slowly trudged out of bed. I walked out of my room, looking around to see my roommates talking loudly. I huffed and grabbed some coffee. "Oh! You're up? Hey guys! Sleepyheads up!" I rolled my eyes as I drank my coffee, glaring at them slightly. Then they all realized the time as I watched them all run out. I rolled my eyes and went back into my room. I had a little while till I had to go to any of my classes so I took my time.

Roman's POV~

I had just gotten home after a terrible night and fell onto my bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my alarm of a roommate, Chad, barged in and shouted for me to get up. I groaned quietly as I looked at him. He chuckled as he turned on my light. "C'mon sleepyhead! We need to get to class!" He shouted before walking out of my room. I sighed as I sat up, looking around my room then getting dressed. I walked out of my room and say my roommate running around. I grabbed some food and my notebooks. I finished eating by the time Chad finished getting his stuff ready. I chuckled slightly as he walked over to me. "Geez, how do you get done so fast?" "I actually have everything in my room." I told him, walking out of the apartment room with him. When we got into the hall, I saw our next door neighbor's, Virgil, roommates rushing out of their room. "I don't see how that kid puts up with all those idiots." Chad said before walking off towards the door. I stared at Virgil's door then followed after Chad. "Me either..." I added as I caught up with him.

Logan's POV~

I had been up all night doing homework then I had to go out and do somethings so I barely got any sleep. But I was used to no sleep, it didn't affect me as much as it would others. I did get a nap when my quiet roommate came to wake me up. "Uh, L-Logan... It's time for classes..." She told me. Her name was Stacy and she was a good roommate seeing as she was quiet and polite while also not being interested in guys. Which was good since I wasn't interested in girls. I gave her a sigh in response, telling her I was up and I would be out in a minute. "Ok... I made breakfast s-so if you're hungry you can eat before we leave.... Oh...! I made coffee too!" She added with a smile before leaving my room. I got up, got dressed, and left my room. I could hear our neighbors being loud again but I knew now to just ignore it. "I-I hate those guys.... They're always so loud, I-I feel bad for the kid that lives with them..." I heard Stacy say as she got her stuff ready. "Someone else lives with them?" I asked, looking at her after grabbing coffee. "Yeah, a kid named Virgo? No, Virgil...! Yeah, Virgil. H-he's an art major..." She told me as I nodded. "Interesting..." I mumbled as I collected all my stuff. "I-I can introduce you to him. I don't talk with him much b-but we're in the same classes so I talk to him here and there." I nodded slightly as she walked over to me. "Well, perhaps it would be ok to find an actual quiet person in a sea of idiots." "H-hey...! What about me?" I glanced at her and smiled faintly. "I know what I said..." She gasped and playfully hit me. "Meanie...!" She huffed quietly as I snickered. We walked out of our apartment room only for me to be ran into, almost making me fall over. I clenched my fists, ready to give someone a piece of my mind. "Oh! Sorry Logan! I didn't see ya come out of your room." I heard Roman say as I looked at him. He wore his normal white tee-shirt with a letter man jacket he had when he was in high school. "Oh, it's fine." I told him, waving my hand slightly. He smiled then ran off with his roommate. "I-I'm surprised you did yell at him." I shrugged slightly as we walked to the door. "Roman is an acquaintance of mine, I see him around and he's quite polite when he's not being an idiot." I told her as she nodded.

Patton's POV~

Despite being out almost all night I was the first one awake! I knew Damian would be still asleep so I decided to make some toast then wake him up. I ate then ran to D's room. "Hey D...! Time to get up buddy...! You got work to do!" I yelled in a quiet voice. He groaned and looked at me, the scars on his face being the first thing I saw. "Ugh...! Thanks Pat..." He grumbled but I knew he wasn't sincere about it. But I just nodded then went to get dressed. I came out to see D already up and dressed in his work uniform while getting his toast. "Good! I have to go D so I'll see ya after my classes!" I shouted to him before running out of the apartment room. I almost ran into Virgil, who was coming out of his room. He wore his normal black hoodie with purple patches with a grey-ish white shirt and black jeans. "Oh! Sorry Kiddo! Didn't see you there!" He nodded slightly, looking down. "It's fine..." He said quietly. I smiled widely. "Wanna walk to class with me?" I asked which he nodded slowly. "Sure... That'd be fine..." I smiled more before walking with his to the front door.

Third person POV~

They all went about their day as they normally did but little did they know that today wasn't gonna be a normal day in the slightest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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