Chapter 11

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"Thanks." Clary said as she climbed off the motorcycle and handed her helmet to Jace who raised his brows.

"For what?"

"For the ride." Clary said. "And for everything, for an awesome day." She added then, grinning.

"Yeah, too bad we wasted so much time in that boring library." Jace said and Clary rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, you should learn how to be more patient." She said, crossing her arms over her chest and Jace seemed to be studying her carefully for a while, small smile pulling up the corner of his mouth.

"I'm working on it." He said then and something about his stare made Clary blush.

"Well, great. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, locker-buddy." She said with a sarcastic smile and Jace laughed.

"I should've never said that. See you." He said then, shaking his head and quickly grinned at her before walking to his house. Clary ran to her front door quickly and pulled it open, glancing at the house next to her quickly before stepping inside and pulling the door close behind her. She walked into the hall and Jocelyn came to her immediately.

"Where have you been? I tried to call you!" She said, sounding worried and angry. Clary cursed in her mind as she took her shoes off, trying to avoid her mom's stare.

"I'm really sorry, I guess I didn't check my phone. I was just at the library with Jace and then we walked to the beach." She said shrugging, trying to sound as brief as possible. She could see the surprise perfectly clear on Jocelyn's face and she couldn't really blame her. It wasn't like Clary had done anything during these few months.

"Jace? That guy who gave you a ride yesterday?" She asked and Clary rolled her eyes.

"Yes, him. I'm sorry, I'll answer my phone if I go somewhere from now on." She said then.

"That's the point, sweetie. I'm not mad at you, I was just worried. Of course you can go out if you want to, just please inform me." Jocelyn said and Clary nodded quickly.

"I will." She said and gave her a quick smile.

That night Clary lied on her bed, staring at the ceiling above her. She had seen the surprise on her mom's face, but it was nothing compared to how surprised she felt. No one was as surprised as she was, not even Jocelyn. She had never thought she would feel the kind of happiness that would actually make her forget everything else. She had never thought there would be moments in her life when she would be able to put everything else aside and focus on what was happening right now. It had happened anyway and she couldn't help feeling happy. And that hadn't happened in a long time.

For months she hadn't really done anything and just walked forward, thinking that that's what life was about, just going forward no matter what and trying your best to survive it. But she hadn't realized that she hadn't been going forward. Not doing anything and thinking that the purpose of life was to survive wasn't going forward, it wasn't even moving at all. It was staying still and losing hope. The purpose of life wasn't just trying to survive, the purpose of life was to actually make something out of it. Nothing happened if you didn't move forward, you had to do it yourself. People could help you, but no one could do it for you. Clary had been right, life was about going forward, she just hadn't known what it meant. She had stayed still. She wouldn't do it anymore, she wouldn't waste her time anymore. If there was something she had learned from Sebastian's death, it was that time was something you couldn't get more and sometimes it was taken away from you. It was cruel and wrong, but there was nothing anyone could do about it. Clary was gonna move forward and she was gonna do it well, because she wasn't doing it only for herself. She was also doing it for the boy who wouldn't have the chance to do it himself anymore. He would always go on with her, always.

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