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If you do not follow me or ignore my posts, I've pretty much decided that once Band 104 has reached its capacity, there will likely be no Band 105. Recent events in my life have kind of killed my passion for school band, and I don't have as much fun material as I used to, being in a current situation where I'm not having too much fun playing my instrument in this setting.

No existing Band 101 work will be deleted. They will always be available to look back on after they have been completed.

You don't have to do this, but what would really help me is for you to read at least one of my poems on this account. I have a lot of poems that I spend a lot of time on but no one really pays attention to, which is kind of sad to me. If you could read at least part of one, that would make me so happy. I recommend Coat of Red or We're Flying.

Hope you understand. Happy reading!


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