Error solution

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(WARNING:Lemon is contained in this story so if you're a sinner like me :D go ahead read on and enjoy)

error had awoken from his..pass out. "Hmhm where am i" his eyes adjusted "oh my star's Error are you alright?" it was ink, his voice sounded off edge. "y-yea I'm fine" ink sighted in relief "oh thank goodness I was worried" error realized his head was resting on ink's lap, he quickly got up. but he acedently hit his head against inks. "OW," they both spoke. (Btw there both on ink's bed) "sorry sorry" when error tried to see how bad the bobo was (XD) he placed his hand in an angle that caused him to kiss ink. "remember to go gentle with him Then make him beg for more~" error had remembered those words from lust. he tried the french kiss with ink, ink blushed madly but it felt good to he kissed error back. error slowly leaned ink back till error was on top of ink. "error?" error's soul was pounding so hard. he stuck out his blue tounges and licked ink's neck. ink gasped "e-error w-what a-are you- GAH!~" error hit ink's sweet spot, he began to nibble there nicely bit not too hard or rough. error slowly traced his hand's up ink rib's and rubbing them. ink tried to hold back the moans as much as he could. Error stopped licking ink's neck and grinned at him, he slowly guided his hands down ink spine and into his shorts "AHH~" ink moaned with pleasure. Error slowly rubbed ink's membrane. he then tore off his shorts, error's eyes locked with ink's. ink had an angry face "don't you dare e-error" Error grinned "fine~" ink heard a zipper being unzipped. error pulled out his membrane and entered ink's but. tear's flowed down ink's cheeks "e-error it h-hurt's" "I know I know but it'll feel better I promise" error slowly went further in. within minutes pain turned to pleasure. Error thrust into ink's but "AHH~ ERROR~" ink moaned which filled the room with ink's moans and error's groans.

after a couple of minutes, ink and error cam. ink panted,error layed next to ink. ink cuddled up to error " I love you" error smiled"I love you too" they both fell asleep.


Elizabethw7   and her Error X Ink Lemon without her, I couldn't have had those sinful details.

here's her profile

Cross sans and chara aka babysaliveandmonster and her error x ink lemon story 

and here's this URL


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