TAG 8: tagged again :)

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I was tagged by A_KimMinJungParkJeon! Thanks for tagging me 💜💜💜

1) Have you ever met your idol?
I wish. (╥﹏╥) *sigh*

2) Motto in life?
"Be yourself. People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care"

3) BFF in Wattpad?
I can't possibly choose!

4) Attitude I have most of the time?
So basically, when I'm around some people, I'm like a quiet, introverted  person but when I'm with my closest friends, I'm the complete opposite lol.

5) Biggest dream in life?
Make my parents proud xD.
Sorry, that was cheesy!

6) Nickname:
You guys wouldn't understand it lol.

7) 3 facts about me:
I'm a procrastinator.
I have a habit of drawing on my arm or hands when I'm bored.
I love to eat, but I hate exercising.

8) Birthday?
My birthday is on the 8th of January, so I'm a Capricorn.

Tag 10 people you love:


For some reason, Wattpad only let's me choose the first few profiles that come up. I love all my follwers. Have a nice day xxx ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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